Oral & Dental Hygiene for Good Health

Medical experts and Health authorities recognize that proper oral and dental hygiene, including regular cleaning of your teeth, and proper brushing and flossing of your teeth at least two times per day are important steps to prevent other physical diseases. Read important tips on good oral/ dental hygiene from the Mayo Clinic further below.

Oral Health is one of the featured topics and goals of Healthy People 2020, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ program to promote wellness and disease prevention through healthy living.

The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) also focuses on Oral Health as an part of wellness and prevention of other diseases. As observed by the CDC: “Seventeen of the Healthy People 2010 objectives relate directly to oral health and a number of others reflect the connection between oral disease and other chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cancer.”

Read tips on proper dental care and oral hygiene from the Mayo Clinic:

Oral health: Brush up on dental care basics – MayoClinic.com.


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