The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer Disease

The 36 Hour Day, the Classic Book for Caregivers of Alzheimer's patientsWe recommend highly this classic book on caregiving for those with Alzheimer’s: The 36-hour Day, by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins, completely revised and updated 2008 publication.

This is the place to start if your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia. Or, even if he or she has not been so diagnosed, but is exhibiting “difficult” behavior (aggressive, uninhibited, fearful, clinging, confused, forgetful, wandering or other unusual behaviors), you should read this book.

We generally associate memory loss with Alzheimer’s dementia, but a lesser known fact is that difficult elderly behavior, especially in the evenings (“sundowning”) is one of the primary symptoms of dementias, including Alzheimer’s.

You might be surprised to recognize your loved one’s behavior among some of the typical dementia behaviors described in this book.

Statistics indicate that 50% of people age 85 and older suffer from Alzheimer’s or other dementias – and many more may suffer without ever being diagnosed. If you recognize some of the obvious symptoms in your loved one, then rather than staying in denial, you should see a physician specialist to find out if your loved one may be suffering from an early or mid-stage dementia, the most common type of which is Alzheimer’s.

Once you understand what you are dealing with as a caregiver, then you can learn more about the resources available, and coping becomes much easier than when you are in the dark and feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and alone.

Buy This Book Now at, or go to our Bookstore to Browse by Category for this and other books under “Alzheimer’s Caregiving” and under “How To Deal with Difficult Elderly Behavior.”


4 comments to The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer Disease

  • FTL Caregiver

    This has been a very helpful and eye-opening book. Reading the typical symptoms of Alzheimer’s, we were surprised to feel as though the author had met and was describing our Father. This is a must-read for all caregivers of elders exhibiting even a little bit of what seems to you as difficult elderly behavior. It is the most helpful first step you can take.

  • Caring for Mom

    I second the comment. This is a very useful book, and good place to start on the path to caring for your parent with dementia.

  • CBK

    I third the comment. This has been a very helpful resource.

  • Editor

    We are glad you agree with our suggestion of this book. It has certainly been useful to us.

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