Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent

Many of you have recommended this book, Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent: A Guide for Stressed-Out Children, by Grace Lebow, Barbara Kane, and Irwin Lebow. This is the classic guide to dealing with difficult elderly behavior beyond the Alzheimer’s context. It is written by experienced geriatric social workers based on their experiences in the field. If you have ruled out Alzheimer’s, this book is the place to start when you do not understand Mom or Dad’s manipulative, clinging, disruptive, non-compliant, fabricating, or other difficult behavior or how to deal with it, but you know you are feeling stressed and at your wit’s end. This book will help you develop a compassionate understanding of why your parent may be acting as he or she is, and find common-sense, practical tips to help you deal with it effectively and lovingly by validating your parent’s underlying needs while drawing boundaries in a way that preserves your parent’s dignity and your sanity.

Buy This Book Now at, or go to our Bookstore to Browse by Category for this and other books under “How to Deal With Difficult Elderly Behavior.”


2 comments to Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent

  • Caring For Mom

    Helps have compassion and understanding for seniors exhibiting what appears to be difficult behavior, and also provides a useful approach for dealing with these behaviors.

  • rxadvices

    The issue that threatens is chronic illness caused by various hereditary and lifestyle conditions. Examples of long term and chronic illness include diabetes, hypertension, chronic pain, obesity, asthma, and many more…

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