Medicare Nursing Home Compare - Find & Compare Nursing Homes

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), provides a comprehensive Nursing Home Compare that includes every Medicare certified nursing home in the United States.

Use of this tool should be part of every search for a nursing home or skilled care facility.

It allows you to find nursing homes in any geographic location (by zip code or city and state) or by name, provides access to the quality inspection reports on file about each facility, and allows you to compare facilities by their scores on a number of different quality of patient care measures.

Medicare indicates that you should use this tool to:

  • Search for nursing homes and get their contact information.
  • Compare nursing homes by their five-star rating, including the quality of care they provide (i.e., whether residents have gotten their flu shots, had their pain controlled, and maintained a healthy weight.)
  • Find out what special services each nursing home offers.
  • View the results of health and safety inspections.

Access the Medicare Nursing Home Compare Tool Now » Nursing Home Compare

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1 comment to Medicare Nursing Home Compare – Find & Compare Nursing Homes

  • jeffreyphillips75

    Many existing laws and regulations apply specifically to pregnant women. Several provisions of the Affordable Care Act offer new benefits for expecting mothers.

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