Caregiverlist - Search Tool to Find & Compare Nursing Homes & Their Costs offers a Nursing Home search tool combined with a “Star Rating Service” for family caregivers, which allows you to search for nursing homes by State and County, by zip code, or by name, and find a list with a comparison of nursing homes and their costs and “Star Ratings” assigned by Caregiverlist.

The search tool can be accessed here or below:

Caregiverlist explains how their star ratings are assigned here.

In addition, they provide an explanation of Senior Care Costs and Ways to Pay For Care; a comparison of average costs by state for home health care, nursing home care, and assisted living; a Caregiverlist’s Nursing Home Checklist of factors to consider in choosing a nursing home; and other resources.

Caregiverlist is a for-profit company which states that it is “the only national senior care referral and career website created by experienced senior care industry professionals.” Its stated mission is to provide “the premiere service connecting seniors and professional caregivers with the most reliable eldercare options, highest quality ratings and outstanding careers nationwide.”

More Information

See the HelpingYouCare™ AnswersForCare™ resource pages on:

See also CareHelpFinder™, the HelpingYouCare™ senior-care resource locator tools to help you:


Copyright © 2011 Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare™.


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