Harvard Issues Updated Report on Low Back Pain: Healing Your Aching Back

Low Back Pain; Heal Your Aching Back - Revised and Updated, from Harvard Health PublicationsHarvard Health Publications has issued a revised and updated version of its Special Health Report on “Low Back Pain: Healing Your Aching Back,” written by experts at Harvard Medical School.

According to Harvard Health Publications, “Back pain is one of the most common non-life-threatening painful conditions, affecting four in five Americans at some point in their lives.”

“Thanks to the pioneering work of back pain researchers, treatment for back pain has undergone a sea of changes since the 1990s,” Harvard reports. “Doctors better appreciate the role of exercise in treating back problems. They also understand which conditions can be helped by surgery, and which patients are good surgical candidates. Today there are more minimally invasive procedures that can have people back on their feet and getting on with their lives in record time,” according to a summary provided by the publisher.

The revised Special Health Report describes different types of back problems and the tailored treatments that are most likely to help specific conditions.

The 48-page report, includes chapters on:

  • Who develops back problems
  • The anatomy of your back
  • Why your back hurts
  • Diagnosing your back pain
  • Assessing your treatment options, including medications and surgery
  • Healing your Back: The role of exercise and other self-help strategies and complementary therapies in relieving back pain and healing your back, and
  • Guidelines for an effective recovery from back pain

Low Back Pain; Heal Your Aching Back - from Harvard Health PublicationsThe Revised and Updated Harvard Special Health Report, “Low Back Pain: Healing Your Aching Back,” is available for purchase online from Harvard Health Publications.

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