Exercise Increasingly Important for Those Over Age 65

Physical Activity and Older Americans (graphic courtesy of Evergreen Rehabilitation)Evergreen Rehabilitation, a company providing physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services at facilities in 18 states, has released an “infographic” illustrating the importance of exercise for maintaining independence after age 65, and presenting statistics about the alarming lack of exercise in our aging population and its high costs to our heath and economy.

As stated in the infographic, “Physical activity is an essential component to a healthy lifestyle. Nowhere is this fact truer than in the case of individuals over the age of 65. Older Americans are at higher risk for many health problems that being active can help prevent. Regular physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and obesity. Despite these obvious health benefits, current numbers suggest older Americans aren’t getting enough.”

The infographic also provides a summary of the four main categories of exercise — weight bearing activity, strength training, flexibility exercises, and balance exercises — and how each can help older Americans maintain independence in their ability to handle the activities of daily living.

View the infographic below »

Activity for Older Americans

Physical Activity and Older Americans

Infographic presented courtesy of Evergreen Rehabilitation.

More Information

For more information on exercise and all aspects of wellness, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:

NOTICE: You should always consult your doctor before embarking on any exercise program, reaching conclusions about any fitness program or advice, taking medications, or taking or refraining from taking any action with health or medical consequences. The information linked or posted on this site is for information only. It does not constitute medical or professional advice, and must not be relied upon as such. HelpingYouCare™ and its owner, Care-Help LLC, do not endorse or recommend and are not responsible for the content on other websites or in other publications which may be referred to, posted or linked on this site. For more information, see our Legal Terms & Conditions.

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