Free Webinar on Parkinson's Hospital Care Offered by National Parkinson Foundation

The National Parkinson Foundation (NFP) has announced that it will hold a Free online webinar on how to get the best care for those with Parkinson’s disease when they are hospitalized.

The Webinar will take place on April 5, 2012 at 1:00 PM (U.S. Eastern Time).

The Free Webinar is open to the public. Anyone can participate by Registering Online.

As part of an Aware in Care Campaign that it is sponsoring, the NFP presents statistics showing that People with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are hospitalized 50% more than others, 3 out of 4 people with Parkinson’s do not receive medications on time in the hospital, 61% of patients who did not get their medications on time suffer serious complications, and people with Parkinson’s suffer avoidable complications at a higher rate than non-PD patients.

During the Webinar on April 5, “NPF’s National Medical Director, Michael S. Okun, MD, and Anhar Hassan, MD, will lead a discussion about how you or your loved one can get the best care possible during a hospital stay,” NFP states in its announcement.

Here is the announcement about the Webinar issued by the National Parkinson Foundation:

Free Webinar on Getting the Best Hospital Care for Parkinson's - April 5, 2012

The Webinar is part of the Aware in Care Campaign being sponsored by the NFP.

According to information on the National Parkinson Foundation website:

“Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s, affecting about one million people in the United States and an estimated four million worldwide. The Center for Disease Control rated complications from Parkinson’s disease as the 14th leading cause of death in the United States. The prevalence of the disease is expected to increase substantially in the next 20 years due to the aging of the population in the U.S., Europe and globally, as well as an increase in the age-related incidence of the disease. The economic burden of Parkinson’s disease is estimated to be $6 billion annually in the U.S. Learn more about Parkinson’s disease.”

The National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) is a non-profit organization that focuses on meeting the needs in the care and treatment of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Since 1982, the NPF has funded more than $164 million in care, research and support services.


This Event Announcement is provided as a public service by HelpingYouCare™.

More Information

For more information on Parkinson’s Disease, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on Parkinson’s Disease, including:


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