HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President's Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State

How The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Benefits You and Your State The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced a new tool to help you find out how the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama’s signature Health Care Law – which some call “Obamacare”) is benefiting people in your state.

The tool includes a clickable map (see below), where you can click on your state to learn about the new benefits available to you and people in your state.

The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010. Since than, a significant number of substantial new benefits have become available under the law to protect patients and make health care more affordable. Many more significant benefits for patients and consumers will become available over the next two years. Most of the law will be fully implemented by 2014.

The new tool includes links to information where you can:

Following is picture of the clickable map provided by HHS as part of the new tool.

Click on the map below to go to the interactive version of the map on HealthCare.gov, where you can click on your state to learn what benefits are available to you and people in your state under the President’s Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act raquo;

How The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Helps You and Your State

More Information

For more news and information about the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature Health Care Law, and about health care reform, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on VoicesForCare™, including:


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