Mayo Clinic & TIME Collaborate on New Book About Alternative Medicine Therapies

Alternative Medicine -Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More, by Mayo Clinic and TIMEThe Mayo Clinic and TIME publishing have collaborated on a new book entitled, Alternative Medicine: Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More, which explores the potential risks and benefits of several “alternative medicine” therapies, as supplements to the treatments employed by traditional medicine.

The book “examines the claims advanced for alternative medicine, reports on their truth or falsity, and compiles a useful list of ‘best practices’ of the arena – those that have been accepted by professionals as helpful,” according to TIME. The new volume also includes “the latest news from ‘TIME’ on the state of health and wellness,” the publisher says.

Brent Bauer, M.D., director of Mayo Clinic’s Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program and medical consultant for the new book, states that the Mayo Clinic’s Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program and the new book “encourage readers to think of alternative treatments as complementary medicine, used to help supplement [not displace] more traditional medical therapies.”

“Mayo Clinic’s evidence-based approach to complementary medicine helps the consumer sort through the risks and benefits of alternative therapies,” Dr. Bauer says.

The alternative therapies discussed and evaluated as potential supplements to traditional medicine, for certain conditions, include diet and nutrition, certain dietary supplements — such as Vitamin B and others, animal therapy, music therapy, yoga, message, acupuncture, stress-reduction techniques, and herbs, among others.

Watch Dr. Brent Bauer of the Mayo Clinic discuss the new book and the role of alternative medicine:


Alternative Medicine -Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More, by Mayo Clinic and TIMEThe new book, Alternative Medicine: Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More, by Mayo Clinic and TIME, is available for purchase from TIME Alternative Medicine: Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More

More Information

For more information on maintaining a healthy weight, healthy diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors that promote wellness and prevent diseases, see the HelpingYouCare® resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:


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