Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln’s formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader.  His life was a most inspiring example of overcoming the greatest of odds and continual defeats to rise to universally acclaimed greatness through his judgment, words, and deeds.

Did you know that President Abraham Lincoln was a caregiver?

One of President Lincoln’s less well-known, private challenges was as the caregiver of his ill wife, Mary Todd Lincoln.  It was said that “She was temperamentally high-strung and touchy, and sometimes acted irrationally,” and it is now widely thought that she may have suffered from bipolar disorder.

Read more in Wikipedia about President Lincoln’s inspiring life and about his challenges and compassion as a caregiver of his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln:


For more on the inspiring life of Abraham Lincoln, we recommend:

Team of Rivals:  The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

By Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Brilliantly told and inspiring inside story of the presidency and life of Abraham Lincoln.

Purchase this book at Amazon.com: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln


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