Preventing Depression Misdiagnosis of Women

Preventing Misdiagnosis of Women - Book available from AmazonPreventing Misdiagnosis of Women: A Guide to Physical Disorders That Have Psychiatric Symptoms (Women’s Mental Health and Development), a book by Elizabeth Adele Klonoff and Hope Landrine, discusses the importance of differentiating between depression and other physical ailments that can present similar symptoms.

According to a description of the book provided by the publisher,

Many physical disorders suffered by women have psychiatric symptoms. For example, hyperthyroidism can result in depression and anxiety, [emphasis supplied] and temporal lobe epilepsy can have the same symptoms as bipolar disorder. As a result, women are in danger of being misdiagnosed as having psychiatric problems and receiving completely inappropriate treatment. This volume gives psychotherapists, counsellors and other mental health professionals the foundation for identifying physiological disorders that may be at the root of the mental health problems presented by female clients.”

The book is available for purchase from Preventing Misdiagnosis of Women: A Guide to Physical Disorders That Have Psychiatric Symptoms (Women’s Mental Health and Development)


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