Study Shows Alzheimer’s Hits Women Hardest

From VoA:  A new study produced by the Alzheimer’s Association and Maria Shriver, shows that women end up bearing most of the burden of Alzheimer’s Disease – as caregivers, advocates for those with the disease and as victims of the disease itself.   The report asks Congress to pass a comprehensive strategy to manage this growing US epidemic. But the epidemic is not limited to western countries.

Every seven seconds, a new case of dementia is diagnosed somewhere in the world, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

This new report takes a look at Alzheimer’s, a disease expected to triple in 40 years because it’s associated with aging, and people the world over are living longer.”

Includes a Video report produced by Maria Shriver with the Alzheimer’s Association.

Read More and View Video at:  VOA | Study Shows Alzheimer’s Hits Women Hardest | VOA | Health | English.


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