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On Health Care Reform

Planning for Incapacity: Durable Powers of Attorney; Guardianship – Overview

Legal and Financial Issues for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: A NIA Resource List

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, under the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), provides a useful resource list with excerpts and links to multiple sources of information on Legal . . . → Read More: Legal and Financial Issues for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: A NIA Resource List


It's Important to Plan

Guide from AARP helps caregivers gather critical information in advance “After she died, I went to her house and had to go through her papers to find important things like the title to her car, burial arrangements, house title,” . . . → Read More: It’s Important to Plan


California: Fact Sheet: Protective Proceedings: Guardianships and Conservatorships

California: Fact Sheet: Protective Proceedings: Guardianships and Conservatorships, written for Family Caregiver Alliance in 2004 by Harriet P. Prensky, a certified California elder law attorney. Questions and Answers about Conservatorships under California law. »View Details


Florida Guardianship Statutes

Florida: 2010 Florida Statutes, Chapter 744, Guardianship, Official Internet Site of the Florida Legislature. Sets forth the Florida State Statute (law) governing Guardianship in Florida. »View Details


Minnesota: Guardianship & Conservatorship

Minnesota: Guardianship & Conservatorship, Minnesota Judicial Branch, Self Help Center. Provides information on guardianship and conservatorship under Minnesota Law and the differences between them. Includes forms and links to a Manual on Guardianship and Conservatorship of adults in Minnesota . . . → Read More: Minnesota: Guardianship & Conservatorship


California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts

California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts, Family Caregiver Alliance, reviewed and revised 2001 by Charlie P. Sabatino, Assistant Director, Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly, American Bar Association. »View Details


Florida Power of Attorney Statutes

Florida: 2010 Florida Statutes, Chapter 709, Powers of Attorney and Similar Instruments, Official Internet Site of the Florida Legislature. Sets forth the entire Florida State Statute (law) governing Powers of Attorney and similar instruments in Florida. Section 709.08 of . . . → Read More: Florida Power of Attorney Statutes


New York Power of Attorney Statutes

New York: Laws of New York State, General Obligation Law, Article 5, Title 15, Sections 5-1501 through 5-1506. Section 5-1501 contains the official New York Statutory Short Form of Power of Attorney, which New Yorkers can rely upon as . . . → Read More: New York Power of Attorney Statutes


Minnesota: Power of Attorney

Minnesota: Power of Attorney, Minnesota Judicial Branch, Self Help Center. Provides a Fact Sheet and information on powers of attorney under Minnesota Law, and links to the Minnesota Statutes governing powers of attorney (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 523), as well . . . → Read More: Minnesota: Power of Attorney


Texas: The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Texas Probate Code, Chapter XII

Texas: The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Texas Probate Code, Chapter XII(as in effect on 11/24/08), from the website of the Texas Legislature containing the Texas State Statutes and Constitution online. This is the Texas Statute governing Durable Powers . . . → Read More: Texas: The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Texas Probate Code, Chapter XII


Power Of Attorney Laws: Citations, By State

Power Of Attorney Laws:Citations, By State, (Laws current as of 12/31/07) Prepared by Lori Stiegel and Ellen Klem of the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging. A list of legal citations to the state laws governing powers . . . → Read More: Power Of Attorney Laws: Citations, By State


Legal Issues in Planning for Incapacity

Legal Issues in Planning for Incapacity, Family Caregiver Alliance. Checklist of things to be considered, options available for managing assets, and ways to plan and pay for long-term care. »View Details


Estate Planning FAQ’s: Power of Attorney

Estate Planning FAQ’s: Power of Attorney, by the American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law. General introduction to powers of attorney and their use, including instruction on how the person with Power of Attorney should . . . → Read More: Estate Planning FAQ’s: Power of Attorney


Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works

Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works, by Nolo.com. General information written by a staff attorney of Nolo.com, on durable powers of attorney, the simple way for elderly persons, while still competent, to authorize their family caregivers to . . . → Read More: Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works


Conservatorships and Guardianships

Conservatorships and Guardianships, by Nolo.com. General information written by a staff attorney of Nolo.com, on conservatorships or adult guardianships, how they generally function, and how to avoid them (by having your loved one execute a durable power of attorney . . . → Read More: Conservatorships and Guardianships


Durable Power of Attorney Project: Download the Durable Power of Attorney Documents in Microsoft Word Format

Durable Power of Attorney Project: Download the Durable Power of Attorney Documents in Microsoft Word Format, American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law. Provides downloadable sample forms for a Durable Power of Attorney (with a . . . → Read More: Durable Power of Attorney Project: Download the Durable Power of Attorney Documents in Microsoft Word Format


Public Guardianship After 25 Years: In the Best Interest of Incapacitated People?

Public Guardianship After 25 Years: In the Best Interest of Incapacitated People? Study funded by the Retirement Research Foundation. A critical examination of the Guardianship laws and regimes in the 50 U.S. States, with recommendations and a proposed new . . . → Read More: Public Guardianship After 25 Years: In the Best Interest of Incapacitated People?


Examples of State Laws on Guardianship

Examples of State Laws on Guardianship, FindLaw.com. General description of the Guardianship laws in certain states, with links to further information and forms. View Information…


Multi-State Guardianship Publications List

Multi-State Guardianship Publications List – from “Guardianship Update,” by Sally Balch Hurme, American Bar Association Commission on Law & Aging. A bibliography of writings on guardianship laws and procedures by state. View Info..


State Durable Power of Attorney Laws

State Durable Power of Attorney Laws, a resource by FindLaw.com, a website serving the legal industry and others doing legal research. Contains links to information on the durable power of attorney laws in each of the 50 States, with . . . → Read More: State Durable Power of Attorney Laws


Campaign for Uniform Guardianship Jurisdiction Act

Campaign for Uniform Guardianship Jurisdiction Act, ABA Commission on Law & Aging. Website describes and contains links to new legislation proposed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the ABA Commission on Law & Aging. . . . → Read More: Campaign for Uniform Guardianship Jurisdiction Act


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