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Medicare Announces Updated Hospital Compare & Nursing Home Compare Sites

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced Thursday that it has updated and re-designed its Hospital Compare and Nursing Home Compare websites, which provide tools and quality measures to help consumers find hospitals and Medicare-Certified nursing homes . . . → Read More: Medicare Announces Updated Hospital Compare & Nursing Home Compare Sites


CCRC vs. Life Care: Which Contract is Right for You?

by Allen Jesson  A good article describing some of the different types of entrance contracts required by CCRC’s.  As explained, some facilities offer straight fee for service contracts only, and may contract with another facility to deliver the higher . . . → Read More: CCRC vs. Life Care: Which Contract is Right for You?


Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Think Twice Before Signing

Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Think Twice Before Signing; A Guide for Nursing Home Residents and Their Families, 16 page paper (PDF) by the National Senior Citizens Law Center, with Support from The Retirement Research Foundation. Provides a checklist of . . . → Read More: Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Think Twice Before Signing


Senior Housing: What you should know…

Senior Housing: What you should know… Website of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Discusses the legal rights of older persons under the U.S. Fair Housing Act, and other laws relating to fair housing and equal opportunity. . . . → Read More: Senior Housing: What you should know…


Older Floridians Handbook

Older Floridians Handbook, Fifth Edition, by Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Florida Justice Institute, and Carlton Fields. This 121 page Handbook provides information for seniors in Florida, covering many areas. See pages 37 et.seq. for a discussion of legal . . . → Read More: Older Floridians Handbook


Housing & Property Rights, Section V of Consumer Resources Guide

Housing & Property Rights, Section V of Consumer Resources Guide, Florida Agency on Health Care Administration. Provides information on legal issues and rights of seniors in Florida with respect to housing and property rights. Other States have similar information. . . . → Read More: Housing & Property Rights, Section V of Consumer Resources Guide


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