Bel Kaufman - An Inspiration at Age 100

Bel Kaufman - 100 Years Old - Teacher, Best Selling Author, HumoristFor inspiration, view this video by Doug Snyder about the remarkable Bel Kaufman. She is a teacher, lecturer, and author of the best selling humorous novel, Up The Down Staircase. At age 100, she gave a college course on Jewish Humor, at the invitation of Hunter College in New York.

Listen to Bel at age 100, describe the secrets of youth »

Bel’s brother, George S. Kaufman, was a legendary Broadway writer, wit, and play doctor who made many contributions to the Marx Brothers movies. Her grandfather, Sholom Aleichem, wrote the stories that became Fiddler On The Roof.

Bel Kaufman, in her own words: “I will never retire from life while I’m alive. Life is too interesting. … Age is not a question of numbers [of years]. Age is a question of attitude, and attitude is what you feel.

See More Stories of Inspiring Seniors »


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