Harvard Health Publishes Caregiver's Handbook

Caregivers Handbook from Harvard Health PublicationsHarvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School has published Caregiver’s Handbook: A guide to caring for the ill, elderly, disabled … and yourself, a basic introductory handbook to some of the topics and concerns faced by family caregivers.

In a description of the publication, Harvard Health Publications states, “Close to 49 million informal or family caregivers offer assistance of all sorts to adults in America, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. Their efforts are vital to the lives of people struggling with illness, disability, or the changes that often accompany aging.”

“The information in this report will assist you in meeting the needs of the person you care for while attending to your own,” Harvard states.

The Harvard Caregiver’s Handbook, a 49 page PDF document, can be purchased online from Harvard Health Publications.

Here is a list of the topics covered, based upon the Table of Contents:

  1. Handling daily tasks and common problems
    • Mobility
    • Meals
    • Personal hygiene
    • Urinary incontinence
    • Bowel incontinence
  2. Developing a plan
    • My caregiving goals
    • Scouting the path ahead
    • Talking with your loved one
    • Working with a geriatric care manager
    • Completing a needs questionnaire
    • A questionnaire to determine needs
  3. Legal planning
    • Wills and trusts
    • Durable power of attorney
    • Guardianship
    • Advance care directives
    • Do-not-resuscitate orders
  4. Financial planning
    • Organizing finances
    • Finding benefits and services
    • Managing insurance policies
    • Navigating the Medicaid and Medicare maze
    • Medicaid
    • Medicare
    • Medicare prescription drug coverage
  5. Medical planning
    • Choosing doctors
    • Why choose a geriatrician?
    • Care in an emergency
  6. Managing transitions: Home to hospital to rehab center
  7. Making use of helpful services
    • Involving family members
    • Long-distance caregiving
  8. Special section: Care for the caregiver
  9. When your loved one can’t stay at home
    • Options for care
    • Making a move
  10. Resources
  11. Glossary

Harvard’s Caregiver’s Handbook, a 49 page document, was prepared by the editors of Harvard Health Publications in consultation with Anne Fabiny, M.D., Chief of Geriatrics at the Cambridge Health Alliance and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Suzanne Modigliani, L.I.C.S.W., C.M.C., Geriatric Care Manager, Brookline, MA.

The publication can be purchased as a PDF Document online from Harvard Health Publications.

More Information

For more information on the topics referenced above and others of concern to family caregivers for senior loved ones, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on:

AnswersForCare™Comprehensive Information & Resources for Family Caregivers:

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