FDA Provides Resources for National Women's Check-Up Day - May 14 - and National Women's Health Week

Mammograms and Health Screenings Recommended for National Women's Check-Up Day - May 14 (image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)May 14 is National Women’s Check-Up Day. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HS), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other federal agencies urge all women to have preventive health screenings and check-ups to care for their health today, as part of the observance of National Women’s Health Week that is taking place from May 13 through 19, 2012.

For National Women’s Health Week, the FDA has issued an “e-blast” (copy below) containing links to helpful resources for women’s health.

For National Women’s Check-Up Day, the FDA provides the following links to help women understand and obtain mammograms:

“Resources for Women’s Check-Up Day

May 14th is National Women’s Check-Up Day – a day when women are encouraged to get or schedule health screenings. Don’t forget to schedule a mammogram. Mammography screening is the best tool we have to detect breast cancer early. Did you know that mammography facilities in the U.S. must be certified by FDA.”

Find a certified mammography facility near you

Download free mammography materials

Following are additional resources provided by the FDA for National Women’s Health Week:

“Celebrate Women’s Health

During National Women’s Health Week, the FDA Office of Women’s Health encourages you to look to FDA for women’s health resources.


FDA Voice Blog features Women’s Health

Throughout its 100-year history, FDA has played a leading role in advancing women’s health. In FDA’s latest blog, OWH Director Marsha Henderson highlights some of the Agency’s women’s health milestones.

Read the FDA Voice Blog

Download a FDA women’s health history booklet.

National Women’s Health Week Twitter Chat

May 15, 2012, 3-4 p.m. EST

Follow @FDAWomen and use the hashtag #NWHWchat to discuss National Women’s Health Week with FDA and our federal sister agencies/offices including CDC, HRSA, NIH, OMH and OPA.

Take Time to Care about Your Health

The Take Time to Care program provides women with health information they can use to make better health decisions for themselves and their families.

Free Publications

¡Nunca Más! Novela Series

Medication Safety Tips

Other FDA Resources

Tobbaco Resources for Moms

Take some time to sit down with your kids to talk about the very real risks and dangers of tobacco use.  Visit the FDA Tobacco website for information about youth and tobacco use.

Food Facts

Want to know how to avoid certain food-related illnesses? Download FDA fact sheets on safe food handling, food allergies, food safety during pregnancy, and more.


If you’ve had a negative reaction to a beauty, personal hygiene, or makeup product, the FDA wants to hear from you. Learn how to report a problem with cosmetics.”

More Information

For more information on National Women’s Health Week, see the HelpingYouCare™ report on:

Mother’s Day Kicks Off National Women’s Health Week, May 13-19, 2012

See also related HelpingYouCare™ reports on:

For Women’s History Month, Govt Focuses on Women’s Health & Education

Health Reform Law (Obamacare) Provides 45 Million Women with Preventive Health Care.

New Reports Highlight Harm to Women if Supreme Court Strikes Down Health Care Law

86 Million Americans Benefitted from Free Preventive Healthcare Coverage in 2011 Due to Affordable Care Act, HHS Reports

HHS Notes Successes of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on its 2-Year Anniversary

Medicare’s Free Annual Wellness Visits

Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs) Available under Health Reform Law to Help Those With Pre-existing Conditions

New report: 129 million Americans with a pre-existing condition could be denied coverage without the health reform law

Women Bear Heaviest Burden of Alzheimer’s Worldwide, New Survey Shows

National Women’s Health Week May 8 – May 14 (2011) — Focus on Older Women’s Heart Health

For more information on prevention, wellness and healthy lifestyle, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:


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