Local Reaction to the Supreme Court's Decision Upholding Health Care Law

The Palm Beach County Medical Society of Palm Beach County, Florida released the following statement following the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act on Thursday:


Palm Beach County Medical Society Logo (accompanying Statement on Supreme Court Decision upholding Affordable Care Act)CONTACT:
Name: Tara Auclair Ryan
Phone: 561-433-3940 x15
Email: tarar@pbcms.org

For Immediate Release

WEST PALM BEACH (June 28, 2012) – Palm Beach County Medical Society (PBCMS) President Jack Zeltzer, MD, released the following statement today regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA):

“Now that the Supreme Court has made its decision on the PPACA, PBCMS must work within the framework to continue doing what we deem to be right. Palm Beach County’s physicians will continue to ensure that our patients have access to quality, affordable health care delivered by the physician of their choice. PBCMS is also committed to the preservation of physician autonomy as a main pillar in support of proper patient care. Additionally, we will continue our work to eliminate fraud and waste in the health care system. It is critical to address these issues now so that patients can receive the first-class care they deserve and so that physicians can provide that care in a patient-focused, cost-effective way.”

About Palm Beach County Medical Society:
Palm Beach County Medical Society is a not for profit organization dedicated to uniting physicians to serve the common interest of the profession, developing and maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards of the medical profession, advocating the interests of physicians and their patients, and collaborating with others to improve the community’s health. For more information, call 561-433-3940 or visit www.pbcms.org.

See the Statement of the Palm Beach County Medical Society on its Letterhead (PDF).

Editor’s Note: We note that the Palm Beach County Medical Society’s above Statement neither praises nor criticizes the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (which Conservatives call “Obamacare”). To place the apparently non-partisan nature of this Statement in context, it may be helpful to know that according to the Palm Beach County, Florida Supervisor of Elections, out of 838,564 registered voters in Palm Beach County as of June 30, 2012, approximately 29% are registered Republicans, approximately 44% are registered Democrats, and about 27% are shown as “Other.”


This Announcement is provided as a public service by HelpingYouCare™.

More Information

See related HelpingYouCare™ reports on:

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Transcripts of Supreme Court Arguments on Health Care Law Suggest Possible Support for the Law

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Health Care Law March 26-28, 2012

U.S. Government Appeals Health Care Law Litigation to Supreme Court

11th Circuit Appeals Panel Strikes Insurance Mandate, Upholds Rest of Health Care Law

For more news and information on the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (which some call “Obamacare”) and health care reform, see the HelpingYouCare™ resource pages on VoicesForCare™, including:


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