Dimensions of Wellness – Vocational/ Occupational Wellness for Seniors

Good discussion of “Occupational Wellness” for Seniors,  from NetWellness.org, Consumer Health Information published by the University of Cincinnati, The Ohio State University and Case Western Reserve University.

As pointed out, one must not underestimate the value of an occupation on a person’s sense of worth.  Older adults whose self-worth is based on their job or work life are especially vulnerable to suffering from a sense of loss through retirement, which in some cases can lead to depression or other illnesses.

Although people often look forward to having leisure time in retirement, the transition from formal employment to a traditional retirement of “leisure” often compromises overall wellness.

Caregivers, with the assistance of professionals who assist seniors, need to:

* Assist older adults as they re-define or re-invent themselves.

* Encourage our senior loved ones to find a healthy balance between work or activities that give a sense of fulfillment and purpose and other dimensions of wellness.

* Support older adults in their attempts to reduce risks to wellness through losses in retirement, which may include losses of:

  • Income
  • Identity/role
  • Status/authority
  • Structure/schedule
  • Purpose in life
  • Peer contacts

Read More » Dimensions of Wellness – Occupational Wellness.


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