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HealthCare.gov Met Repair Goals On Time, US Dept of Health & Human Services Announces
December 1, 2013 Posted by Editor
HealthCare.gov Met Repair Goals On Time, US Dept of Health & Human Services Announces

In a report issued December 1, 2013, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) said that the ongoing repairs to the HealthCare.gov website met the Administration's goals, and the site is now working properly for the vast majority of people w...

Seminar on New Insurance Options in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace to be Given by Palm Beach County Medical Society
November 16, 2013 Posted by Editor
Seminar on New Insurance Options in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace to be Given by Palm Beach County Medical Society

The Palm Beach County Medical Society has announced that it will hold a seminar on "Understanding the Affordable Care Act" which will "explore new options the Health Insurance Marketplace will give physicians and your patients." The Seminar will b...

Free Events November 1 & 2 to Help Palm Beach County Residents Find Health Insurance – Hosted by Palm Beach County Medical Society
October 29, 2013 Posted by Editor
Free Events November 1 & 2 to Help Palm Beach County Residents Find Health Insurance – Hosted by Palm Beach County Medical Society

The Palm Beach County Medical Society (PBCMS) has announced that, through its "Project Access," it will host Free Events on November 1 and 2 to help residents of Palm Beach County, Florida find health insurance programs for which they may qualify. T...

Public Meeting on Healthcare/Medicaid Expansion Called by Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation
July 2, 2013 Posted by Editor
Public Meeting on Healthcare/Medicaid Expansion Called by Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation

The Palm Beach County, Florida State Legislative Delegation has announced that it will hold a public meeting on July 15, 2013, to hear comments from the public on the topic of Healthcare/ Medicaid Expansion under the new federal Health Care Law. ...

Enrollment for New Health Insurance Exchanges Begins on Oct 1, 2013; HealthCare.gov Updated to Help Consumers Prepare
June 25, 2013 Posted by Editor
Enrollment for New Health Insurance Exchanges Begins on Oct 1, 2013; HealthCare.gov Updated to Help Consumers Prepare

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced on June 24 that open enrollment for the new federally-run health insurance exchange (called the "Health Insurance Marketplace") being implemented under the Health Care Law, will begin O...

Slowdown in Health Care Spending May be Here to Stay, Harvard Studies Suggest
May 7, 2013 Posted by Editor
Slowdown in Health Care Spending May be Here to Stay, Harvard Studies Suggest

Two new Harvard studies published May 6 in the journal HealthAffairs have examined the causes of a dramatic slowdown in the growth of health care spending that the U.S. has experienced in recent years. They have concluded that the spending slowdown...

Number of Uninsured Up, but Health Care Law Has Helped & Will Help Further Starting in 2014, Commonwealth Fund Reports
April 28, 2013 Posted by Editor
Number of Uninsured Up, but Health Care Law Has Helped & Will Help Further Starting in 2014, Commonwealth Fund Reports

In a new report issued on Friday, the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund reported the results of its 2012 biennial survey on the number of U.S. adults who lacked health insurance or were underinsured. The total number of uninsured adults over age 19 incr...

Would Medicare-For-All be the Answer for our Health Care System?
January 27, 2013 Posted by Editor
Would Medicare-For-All be the Answer for our Health Care System?

In an editorial published by the Huffington Post on January 24, 2013, John Geyman, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine, makes a case that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) only goes part of the way...

35 More Medical Conditions Fast-Tracked for Disability Benefits, Social Security Announces
December 10, 2012 Posted by Editor
35 More Medical Conditions Fast-Tracked for Disability Benefits, Social Security Announces

The Social Security Administration (SSA) on December 6 issued a press release, announcing that it has added 35 medical conditions to its list of "Compassionate Allowances" - a list of serious diseases and medical conditions for which one is entitled to...

Proposed New Rules Implementing Key Provisions of Obamacare Published for Public Comment
November 29, 2012 Posted by Editor
Proposed New Rules Implementing Key Provisions of Obamacare Published for Public Comment

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced proposed new rules implementing three key areas of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (which some call "Obamacare"). The proposed rules were officially published in the Feder...

Social Security Benefits Will Increase by 1.7% in 2013, SSA Announces
October 16, 2012 Posted by Editor
Social Security Benefits Will Increase by 1.7% in 2013, SSA Announces

The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) announced today that Social Security benefits will increase by 1.7% in 2013, as a result of a cost-of-living adjustment. The 1.7% increase will benefit nearly 62 million Americans receiving Social Securi...

In Debate, Obama and Romney Clarify Positions on Medicare, Medicaid & Healthcare
October 5, 2012 Posted by Editor
In Debate, Obama and Romney Clarify Positions on Medicare, Medicaid & Healthcare

So far, much of the punditry and commentary following the first U.S. Presidential Debate, which took place Wednesday, October 3 in Denver, has focused on the style, optics, and mannerisms of the candidates -- not on the substance of what they said. ...

In Hispanic Heritage Month HHS Reaffirms Commitment to Improving Health Care Access & Celebrates Progress Made under Affordable Care Act
September 19, 2012 Posted by Editor
In Hispanic Heritage Month HHS Reaffirms Commitment to Improving Health Care Access & Celebrates Progress Made under Affordable Care Act

On the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins September 15, Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius issued a Statement, reaffirming the commitment of HHS and the Obama Administration to reducing the disparities in health care...

Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals
September 18, 2012 Posted by Editor
Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals

President Obama's health care law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – has saved Americans an estimated $2.1 Billion on health insurance premiums, according to a new report released September 11, 2012 by the U.S. Department of Health ...

Do You or Your Senior Loved One Qualify for Veterans Health Care Benefits?
August 31, 2012 Posted by Editor
Do You or Your Senior Loved One Qualify for Veterans Health Care Benefits?

"If you served in the active military, naval, or air service and were honorably discharged or released, you may qualify for VA health care benefits, including hospital services," according to an e-mail announcement issued August 30 from USA.gov, the of...

HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President’s Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State
August 23, 2012 Posted by Editor
HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President’s Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced a new tool to help you find out how the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama's signature Health Care Law - which some call "Obamacare") is benefiting people in your s...

Under Obama's Health Care Law, Those on Medicare Have Saved $4.1 Billion in Prescription Costs + Recd Free Preventive Care, Medicare Announces
August 21, 2012 Posted by Editor
Under Obama's Health Care Law, Those on Medicare Have Saved $4.1 Billion in Prescription Costs + Recd Free Preventive Care, Medicare Announces

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a press release yesterday announcing that because of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama's signature health care law), nearly 5.4 million seniors and people with disa...

Paul Ryan Takes Surprising Positions Against Women's Health & Reproductive Rights
August 19, 2012 Posted by Editor
Paul Ryan Takes Surprising Positions Against Women's Health & Reproductive Rights

Family caregivers -- the vast majority of whom are women -- may be surprised at the positions Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's choice for his running mate, has consistently taken on women's health and reproductive rights issues. Recent news repo...

Ryan-Romney Budget Proposals Would End Medicare as We Know It & Cut or Eliminate Programs for Poor, Elderly & Vulnerable
August 16, 2012 Posted by Editor
Ryan-Romney Budget Proposals Would End Medicare as We Know It & Cut or Eliminate Programs for Poor, Elderly & Vulnerable

By selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, former Governor and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney has taken action that backs up and gives teeth to his previous endorsements of the Ryan Budget Plan and his promise to sign it into law if he were electe...

People on Medicare Can Now Get Information from Pharmacies about New Benefits Available to Them under Affordable Care Act, HHS Announces
August 15, 2012 Posted by Editor
People on Medicare Can Now Get Information from Pharmacies about New Benefits Available to Them under Affordable Care Act, HHS Announces

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today that it has formed partnerships with several pharmacies to help inform and educate seniors and others on Medicare about the several new benefits that are made available to them by t...

People on Medicare Report Significantly Better Coverage than Those with Private Health Insurance, Study Finds
August 13, 2012 Posted by Editor
People on Medicare Report Significantly Better Coverage than Those with Private Health Insurance, Study Finds

A recent study published in the journal HealthAffairs found that people on Medicare were substantially happier with their coverage and reported significantly fewer cost and access-related problems than those with private employer-sponsored health insur...

No Increase in Medicare Prescription Drug Premium for 2013 - Third Straight Year of No Increase - HHS Announces
August 7, 2012 Posted by Editor
No Increase in Medicare Prescription Drug Premium for 2013 - Third Straight Year of No Increase - HHS Announces

In a news release issued August 6, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced that the basic premiums for Medicare prescription drug plans are projected to remain constant in 2013, at an average of $30 per month. This will be the t...

8 New Free Preventive Health Services for Women Take Effect August 1, 2012 under Health Care Law
August 1, 2012 Posted by Editor
8 New Free Preventive Health Services for Women Take Effect August 1, 2012 under Health Care Law

Starting August 1, 2012, the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, President Obama's signature Health Care Law, requires all insurance companies to offer free coverage for an additional eight preventive health care services for women. The ...

Affordable Care Act Has Saved $3.9 Billion on Prescription Drugs for Those on Medicare, CMS Announces
July 31, 2012 Posted by Editor
Affordable Care Act Has Saved $3.9 Billion on Prescription Drugs for Those on Medicare, CMS Announces

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a news release announcing that, because of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act ("Affordable Care Act"), President Obama's signature Health Care Law, seniors and people with ...

See Archives of Additional Information on Long-Term Care Insurance.

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Free Events November 1 & 2 to Help Palm Beach County Residents Find Health Insurance – Hosted by Palm Beach County Medical Society
October 29, 2013 Posted by Editor
Free Events November 1 & 2 to Help Palm Beach County Residents Find Health Insurance – Hosted by Palm Beach County Medical Society

The Palm Beach County Medical Society (PBCMS) has announced that, through its "Project Access," it will host Free Events on November 1 and 2 to help residents of Palm Beach County, Florida find health insurance programs for which they may qualify. T...

Public Meeting on Healthcare/Medicaid Expansion Called by Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation
July 2, 2013 Posted by Editor
Public Meeting on Healthcare/Medicaid Expansion Called by Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation

The Palm Beach County, Florida State Legislative Delegation has announced that it will hold a public meeting on July 15, 2013, to hear comments from the public on the topic of Healthcare/ Medicaid Expansion under the new federal Health Care Law. ...

Slowdown in Health Care Spending May be Here to Stay, Harvard Studies Suggest
May 7, 2013 Posted by Editor
Slowdown in Health Care Spending May be Here to Stay, Harvard Studies Suggest

Two new Harvard studies published May 6 in the journal HealthAffairs have examined the causes of a dramatic slowdown in the growth of health care spending that the U.S. has experienced in recent years. They have concluded that the spending slowdown...

Would Medicare-For-All be the Answer for our Health Care System?
January 27, 2013 Posted by Editor
Would Medicare-For-All be the Answer for our Health Care System?

In an editorial published by the Huffington Post on January 24, 2013, John Geyman, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine, makes a case that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) only goes part of the way...

35 More Medical Conditions Fast-Tracked for Disability Benefits, Social Security Announces
December 10, 2012 Posted by Editor
35 More Medical Conditions Fast-Tracked for Disability Benefits, Social Security Announces

The Social Security Administration (SSA) on December 6 issued a press release, announcing that it has added 35 medical conditions to its list of "Compassionate Allowances" - a list of serious diseases and medical conditions for which one is entitled to...

US Govt Does More than Honor Veterans for Veterans Day
November 12, 2012 Posted by Editor
US Govt Does More than Honor Veterans for Veterans Day

In observance of Veterans Day, Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, issued a Statement on Friday, in which she said, "This Veterans Day, we honor all those who have served in our nation’s armed forces and are grateful for their se...

Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care
November 8, 2012 Posted by Editor
Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care

November has been designated as Long-Term Care Awareness Month. As part of this observance, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issued a release yesterday, containing useful information on long-term care for seniors and their family caregiv...

In Debate, Obama and Romney Clarify Positions on Medicare, Medicaid & Healthcare
October 5, 2012 Posted by Editor
In Debate, Obama and Romney Clarify Positions on Medicare, Medicaid & Healthcare

So far, much of the punditry and commentary following the first U.S. Presidential Debate, which took place Wednesday, October 3 in Denver, has focused on the style, optics, and mannerisms of the candidates -- not on the substance of what they said. ...

New Program to Improve Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents in 7 States Announced by Medicare
October 3, 2012 Posted by Editor
New Program to Improve Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents in 7 States Announced by Medicare

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced Thursday awards of funding to seven organizations selected to partner with CMS and 145 nursing homes in seven different states in a new pilot program aimed at improving quality of car...

New Resources to Help Seniors & Those With Disabilities Stay Independent Provided under Affordable Care Act
September 23, 2012 Posted by Editor
New Resources to Help Seniors & Those With Disabilities Stay Independent Provided under Affordable Care Act

Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius announced that $12.5 million in awards funded by the Affordable Care Act and the Older Americans Act will be made to local Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) to help older Americ...

Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals
September 18, 2012 Posted by Editor
Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals

President Obama's health care law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – has saved Americans an estimated $2.1 Billion on health insurance premiums, according to a new report released September 11, 2012 by the U.S. Department of Health ...

HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President’s Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State
August 23, 2012 Posted by Editor
HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President’s Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced a new tool to help you find out how the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama's signature Health Care Law - which some call "Obamacare") is benefiting people in your s...

What to do When Medicare Will Not Cover the Costs of a Needed Rehabilitative or Skilled Care Facility
November 21, 2011 Posted by Editor
What to do When Medicare Will Not Cover the Costs of a Needed Rehabilitative or Skilled Care Facility

Here is a wake-up call: Medicare may cover costs of a needed rehabilitative or skilled nursing care facility after a hospitalization of at least three nights -- but only to a limited extent. As explained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ...

Is Money in Politics Harmful to Health & the Real Enemy of Meaningful Health Care Reform?
October 15, 2011 Posted by Editor
Is Money in Politics Harmful to Health & the Real Enemy of Meaningful Health Care Reform?

Professor Lawrence Lessig of Harvard Law School has written a seminal new book entitled, Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It, recently published by Hachette Book Group. In it he argues that the root of most of our percei...

Retirement and Long-Term Care Planning Tools
September 24, 2011 Posted by Editor
Retirement and Long-Term Care Planning Tools

What can you do as a Baby Boomer and family caregiver to secure your retirement future against the threat of rising health care and long-term care costs? Here are some links to information that may be helpful to you on long-term care planning, re...

Medicare Adds New Online Tools to Help Health Care Consumers
August 9, 2011 Posted by Editor
Medicare Adds New Online Tools to Help Health Care Consumers

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), announced on Friday that they have launched new online tools for patients and caregivers to "empower consumers to make informed choices about their health care," as well as other initiatives to i...

HHS Proposes Rules to Allow New Consumer Run Nonprofit CO-OP Health Insurance Plans; $3.8 Billion of Loan Financing Available
July 18, 2011 Posted by Editor
HHS Proposes Rules to Allow New Consumer Run Nonprofit CO-OP Health Insurance Plans; $3.8 Billion of Loan Financing Available

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issued the following Press Release today: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2011 ...

Which State Provides the Best Health Care?
June 23, 2011 Posted by Editor
Which State Provides the Best Health Care?

A study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked the 50 U.S. States as to the quality of their health care in 2009. [See Image At Left] Recently, U.S. States have signaled increasingly divergent approaches to health care, moving in opposite directions in th...

New Disability & Long-Term Care Insurance Benefit Under The New Health Care Law
January 29, 2011 Posted by Editor

The new health care law established a new voluntary national insurance program that will provide cash benefits to participants who have a qualifying disability that limits their day-to-day living and who meet the other eligibility criteria. This new...

Is Long-Term Care Insurance Beginning to Fade Away?
November 13, 2010 Posted by Editor

When a Safety Net Is Yanked Away, By Ron Lieber, New York Times, November 12, 2010 "November is long-term care awareness month, and to celebrate, MetLife, a big player in the long-term care insurance industry announced on Thursday that it wanted to ...

MetLife Halts Sale of New Long-Term Care Insurance – BusinessWeek
November 12, 2010 Posted by Senior Editor

MetLife Inc., the largest U.S. life insurer, cites “financial challenges” in halting long-term insurance. Over the past five years the cost of assisted living and the price for a private room in a nursing home rose higher than predictions. Se...

Long-Term Care Insurance, National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information
November 12, 2010 Posted by Senior Editor

From Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Excellent information provided by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services on: What is long-term care insurance? Coverage and Benefit Choices; Long-Term Ca...

A Big Decision for Women: Should I Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?
November 12, 2010 Posted by Senior Editor

Women & Aging Newsletter, National Program on Women & Aging, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University. Although from September 1997, this newsletter provides a good introduction to the topic of long-term care insu...

The looming crisis in caregiving; Even if they can afford to pay, the elderly may not be able to find the help they need
November 12, 2010 Posted by Senior Editor

By Alfred C. Clapp Jr., October 5, 2008, Investment News. Makes the case why having long-term care insurance that covers private care will become even more crucial for today’s Baby Boomers, as they age. In 10 years, the number of people over age...

See Archives of Additional Information on Long-Term Care Insurance.

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