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Ideas & Checklists for New Years Resolutions - for Caregivers and Seniors

UPDATED: This article is updated from an article that appeared on HelpingYouCare® on December 31, 2014. Happy New Year! Now is the exhilarating time for a new beginning — the time to make New Years resolutions for the coming . . . → Read More: Ideas & Checklists for New Years Resolutions – for Caregivers and Seniors


HHS Finalizes New Rule Strengthening Patient Privacy Rights

On January 17, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced publication in the Federal Register of the final version of a new rule strengthening patient privacy rights. The new rule strengthens the privacy and security protections . . . → Read More: HHS Finalizes New Rule Strengthening Patient Privacy Rights


Labor Day News for Caregivers: Know Your Workplace Rights

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article was first published on HelpingYouCare™ on September 5, 2011. It remains relevant this Labor Day, and with some added links, we re-print it below: Recent reports have found that low-wage employees, in particular, are . . . → Read More: Labor Day News for Caregivers: Know Your Workplace Rights


Medicare Announces Updated Hospital Compare & Nursing Home Compare Sites

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced Thursday that it has updated and re-designed its Hospital Compare and Nursing Home Compare websites, which provide tools and quality measures to help consumers find hospitals and Medicare-Certified nursing homes . . . → Read More: Medicare Announces Updated Hospital Compare & Nursing Home Compare Sites


Harvard Health Publishes Caregiver's Handbook

Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School has published Caregiver’s Handbook: A guide to caring for the ill, elderly, disabled … and yourself, a basic introductory handbook to some of the topics and concerns faced by family caregivers. In . . . → Read More: Harvard Health Publishes Caregiver’s Handbook


Money Smart Week April 21-28 - Classes & Events to be Held in 30 States

Money Smart Week® classes and events for consumers in 30 different States — those indicated in green on the map at left. To find classes and other events (primarily in libraries) in your area, click HERE or click on . . . → Read More: Money Smart Week April 21-28 – Classes & Events to be Held in 30 States


Health IT, Electronic Health Records & Health IT Jobs Expanding, New Data Show

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and its Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) announced new data on Friday, February 17, showing that the use of electronic health records has more than doubled . . . → Read More: Health IT, Electronic Health Records & Health IT Jobs Expanding, New Data Show


Legal and Financial Issues for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: A NIA Resource List

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, under the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), provides a useful resource list with excerpts and links to multiple sources of information on Legal . . . → Read More: Legal and Financial Issues for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: A NIA Resource List


Retirement and Long-Term Care Planning Tools

What can you do as a Baby Boomer and family caregiver to secure your retirement future against the threat of rising health care and long-term care costs? Here are some links to information that may be helpful to you . . . → Read More: Retirement and Long-Term Care Planning Tools


Download Your State's Advance Directive for Healthcare Form

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides free downloads of forms for Health Care Advance Directives for all 50 States, along with instructions, and related information. These forms are provided free of charge on the Organization’s website, What . . . → Read More: Download Your State’s Advance Directive for Healthcare Form


Health Care Costs to Increase by 5.8% Per Year, CMS Projects; Baby Boomers Worry About Long-Term Care

A new report, from the Office of the Actuary at the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in Baltimore, and published in the journal HealthAffairs on July 28, 2011, projects that overall U.S. health care costs will grow . . . → Read More: Health Care Costs to Increase by 5.8% Per Year, CMS Projects; Baby Boomers Worry About Long-Term Care


Yale Study Links 'Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders' to Poor Surgical Outcomes & Higher Risk of Death

A new study by Yale researchers published today in the Archives of Surgery, one of the JAMA journals of the American Medical Association, found that Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders were associated with poor surgical outcomes and a higher risk of death . . . → Read More: Yale Study Links ‘Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders’ to Poor Surgical Outcomes & Higher Risk of Death


Nine Tax Questions For Family Caregivers: FAQs & Answers from the IRS

Here are nine frequently asked tax questions for family caregivers, listed by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on its website. Click on the links below to find the answers provided by the IRS for each question: 1. I . . . → Read More: Nine Tax Questions For Family Caregivers: FAQs & Answers from the IRS


Family Caregivers and Self-Employment Tax - Information from the IRS

Here is a copy of information provided on the IRS.gov website on: Family Caregivers and Self-Employment Tax: “Special rules apply to workers who perform in-home services for elderly or disabled individuals (caregivers). Caregivers are typically employees of the individuals . . . → Read More: Family Caregivers and Self-Employment Tax – Information from the IRS


Caregiving Basics: A Document Organizer

Can you put your hands on important documents you will need as a primary caregiver? Here’s a helpful to-do list to help you locate, create, or revise important papers. From the National Caregivers Library: . . . → Read More: Caregiving Basics: A Document Organizer


It's Important to Plan

Guide from AARP helps caregivers gather critical information in advance “After she died, I went to her house and had to go through her papers to find important things like the title to her car, burial arrangements, house title,” . . . → Read More: It’s Important to Plan


Growing Trend: Paying a Relative to Take Care of Mom

Read more in WSJ.com about a growing trend for families to compensate adult children or relatives who serve as caregivers to elders.  This trend may be fueled by a recognition of the financial sacrifices that family caregivers often make — frequently finding it . . . → Read More: Growing Trend: Paying a Relative to Take Care of Mom


Medicaid and the Primary Residence

by Craig Reaves, past president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys for The New York Times, November 24, 2010 An Elder Law Attorney answers a question concerning  whether it is necessary to spend down a person’s assets  . . . → Read More: Medicaid and the Primary Residence


A Checklist of Some Legal Issues for Seniors and Their Family Caregivers

© 2010 by Constance R. Barnhart Attorney At Law View/ Print as a PDF Document Following is a checklist of some of the legal issues that may arise for seniors and their family caregivers. For each of these issues . . . → Read More: A Checklist of Some Legal Issues for Seniors and Their Family Caregivers


End-of-Life Decision-Making

Fact Sheet by the Family Caregiver Alliance, National Center on Caregiving, a nonprofit organization. “This Fact Sheet is not intended to provide a comprehensive planning tool. It outlines areas we need to think about and resources that can help, . . . → Read More: End-of-Life Decision-Making


CCRC vs. Life Care: Which Contract is Right for You?

by Allen Jesson  A good article describing some of the different types of entrance contracts required by CCRC’s.  As explained, some facilities offer straight fee for service contracts only, and may contract with another facility to deliver the higher . . . → Read More: CCRC vs. Life Care: Which Contract is Right for You?


Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Think Twice Before Signing

Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Think Twice Before Signing; A Guide for Nursing Home Residents and Their Families, 16 page paper (PDF) by the National Senior Citizens Law Center, with Support from The Retirement Research Foundation. Provides a checklist of . . . → Read More: Nursing Home Admission Agreements: Think Twice Before Signing


Senior Housing: What you should know…

Senior Housing: What you should know… Website of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Discusses the legal rights of older persons under the U.S. Fair Housing Act, and other laws relating to fair housing and equal opportunity. . . . → Read More: Senior Housing: What you should know…


Older Floridians Handbook

Older Floridians Handbook, Fifth Edition, by Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Florida Justice Institute, and Carlton Fields. This 121 page Handbook provides information for seniors in Florida, covering many areas. See pages 37 et.seq. for a discussion of legal . . . → Read More: Older Floridians Handbook


Housing & Property Rights, Section V of Consumer Resources Guide

Housing & Property Rights, Section V of Consumer Resources Guide, Florida Agency on Health Care Administration. Provides information on legal issues and rights of seniors in Florida with respect to housing and property rights. Other States have similar information. . . . → Read More: Housing & Property Rights, Section V of Consumer Resources Guide


Independent Contractor vs. Employee, IRS Tax Tip

Independent Contractor vs. Employee, IRS Tax Tip, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. This page of the IRS website explains the IRS rules for determining whether workers are employees or independent contractors, and provides links to additional . . . → Read More: Independent Contractor vs. Employee, IRS Tax Tip


Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide – U.S. Internal Revenue Service Publication 15-A (2010)

Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide – U.S. Internal Revenue Service Publication 15-A (2010), U.S. Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Discusses (at pages 3 through 10) the rules governing whether a worker must be treated as an employee (for . . . → Read More: Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide – U.S. Internal Revenue Service Publication 15-A (2010)


Independent Contractor vs. Employee, A Fundamental Legal Challenge When Providing Home Care Services Using Independent Contractors

Independent Contractor vs. Employee, A Fundamental Legal Challenge When Providing Home Care Services Using Independent Contractors, National Private Duty Association. A 23 page PDF document, advising Home Health Care companies on hiring aides as independent contractors vs. as employees. . . . → Read More: Independent Contractor vs. Employee, A Fundamental Legal Challenge When Providing Home Care Services Using Independent Contractors


IRS Form SS-8: Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding

IRS Form SS-8: Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding, U.S. Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Optional Form which can be submitted to the IRS by a worker or by a . . . → Read More: IRS Form SS-8: Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding


Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division. The website of the DOL, which administers the U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act, provides . . . → Read More: Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended


EEOC Issues Guidance on Unlawful Discrimination Against “Caregivers” Under Title VII and the ADA

EEOC Issues Guidance on Unlawful Discrimination Against “Caregivers” Under Title VII and the ADA, By Katherine Brewer, from Martindale.com. Discusses enforcement guidance issued by the EEOC (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) on May 24, 2007 for its employees on . . . → Read More: EEOC Issues Guidance on Unlawful Discrimination Against “Caregivers” Under Title VII and the ADA


Caregiving Responsibilities: Focus on Workplace Rights and Obligations

Caregiving Responsibilities: Focus on Workplace Rights and Obligations: Enforcement Guidance; Unlawful Disparate Treatment Of Workers With Caregiving Responsibilities, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Lengthy document by the EEOC, explaining rights of workers with caregiving responsibilities under current law . . . → Read More: Caregiving Responsibilities: Focus on Workplace Rights and Obligations


Working; Don’t assume caregivers can’t

Working; Don’t assume caregivers can’t, By L.M. Sixel, Houston Chronicle, September 11, 2008. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued guidelines that make it very clear that bosses must treat all employees equally, no matter family duties. Employers can’t make . . . → Read More: Working; Don’t assume caregivers can’t


A Patient’s Guide To The HIPAA Privacy Rule

A Patient’s Guide To The HIPAA Privacy Rule: When Health Care Providers May Communicate About You with Your Family, Friends, or Others Involved In Your Care, by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Civil Rights. . . . → Read More: A Patient’s Guide To The HIPAA Privacy Rule


OCR Privacy Brief: Summary Of The HIPAA Privacy Rule

OCR Privacy Brief: Summary Of The HIPAA Privacy Rule, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Civil Rights. 25 page booklet summarizing the HIPAA Privacy Rule to provide HIPAA compliance assistance. Caregivers should review this and familiarize . . . → Read More: OCR Privacy Brief: Summary Of The HIPAA Privacy Rule


A Health Care Provider’s Guide To The HIPAA Privacy Rule

A Health Care Provider’s Guide To The HIPAA Privacy Rule: Communicating with a Patient’s Family, Friends, or Others Involved in the Patient’s Care, by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Civil Rights. A 5 page . . . → Read More: A Health Care Provider’s Guide To The HIPAA Privacy Rule


Your Health Information Privacy Rights

Your Health Information Privacy Rights, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Civil Rights. A 2 page brochure briefly summarizing privacy rights for patients. »View details: Your Health Information Privacy Rights


Privacy and Your Health Information

Privacy and Your Health Information, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Civil Rights. Two page brochure briefly summarizing privacy rights for patients. »View details: Privacy and Your Health Information


Patient Rights, Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute

Patient Rights, Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute. Search results of the Cornell data base of laws for “patient rights” lists several U.S. Code sections (federal statutory law), U.S. Supreme Court decisions, and Code of Federal Regulations Sections dealing . . . → Read More: Patient Rights, Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute


Patient Rights

Patient Rights, MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, U.S. Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Comprehensive links to information on patient rights. »View Details


The Patient Care Partnership: What to Expect during your Hospital Stay

The Patient Care Partnership: What to Expect during your Hospital Stay, American Hospital Association. Brochure listing rights that patients should expect: (1) high quality hospital care, (2) a clean, safe environment, (3) involvement in your care, (4) protection of . . . → Read More: The Patient Care Partnership: What to Expect during your Hospital Stay


Patient Rights Program: Promoting the Rights of Patients through Education and Research

Patient Rights Program: Promoting the Rights of Patients through Education and Research, The Health Law Department of Boston University School of Public Health. Provides a short summary called, “Patient Rights at Your Finger Tips.” »View details (pdf): Patient Rights . . . → Read More: Patient Rights Program: Promoting the Rights of Patients through Education and Research


How to Get a Second Opinion

How to Get a Second Opinion, National Women’s Health Information Center, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health. You have a right to obtain a second and third opinion from different doctors. This brochure provides . . . → Read More: How to Get a Second Opinion


The Patient’s Bill of Rights; What is the Patient’s Bill of Rights?

The Patient’s Bill of Rights; What is the Patient’s Bill of Rights? The American Cancer Society. Lists 8 key areas of patients’ rights: Information disclosure, choice of providers and plans, access to emergency services, participation in treatment decisions, respect . . . → Read More: The Patient’s Bill of Rights; What is the Patient’s Bill of Rights?


Eldercare Rights & Resources: Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

Eldercare Rights & Resources: Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, Administration on Aging (AoA), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes, assisted living facilities and similar adult . . . → Read More: Eldercare Rights & Resources: Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Links to State Medicaid Websites

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), List with links to State Medicaid Websites. Medicaid is a federally funded program, but it is administered and partially funded by the states and varies state to state. Information about Medicaid programs . . . → Read More: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Links to State Medicaid Websites


State Information (Select a State) for Medicaid Rules

State Information (Select a State) for Medicaid Rules, by ElderLawAnswers.com, a website founded and run by an elder law attorney in Boston, Massachusetts. Contains a good introduction to the Medicaid Rules and eligibility standards, along with a drop down . . . → Read More: State Information (Select a State) for Medicaid Rules


Medicaid Planning Basics, 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Medicaid Planning Basics, 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy, website by The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. For the Sandwich Generation: information on Medicaid asset planning basics. »View Details


Medicaid Planning

Medicaid Planning, by Thomas Day. Discussion of some Medicaid planning techniques. »View Details See Also, Getting the Government to Pay: For Long Term Family Caregivers, by Thomas E. Day (Medicaid Planning and VA Benefits): View . . . → Read More: Medicaid Planning


Medicaid, Official website of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Medicaid, Official website of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Provides links to all information provided on Medicaid. »View Details


Medicaid Basics: A Question And Answer Guide About Eligibility, Coverage, And Benefits

Medicaid Basics: A Question And Answer Guide About Eligibility, Coverage, And Benefits, Health Lawyer’s Public Information Series, by American Health Lawyers Association. A 24 page PDF document, describing Medicaid, how it works, who is eligible, and coverage and benefits. . . . → Read More: Medicaid Basics: A Question And Answer Guide About Eligibility, Coverage, And Benefits


Transfer of Assets in the Medicaid Program: Important Facts for State Policymakers

Transfer of Assets in the Medicaid Program: Important Facts for State Policymakers, January 8, 2008, by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. This document summarizes important changes to the Medicaid eligibility . . . → Read More: Transfer of Assets in the Medicaid Program: Important Facts for State Policymakers


Medicaid Law: An Overview

Medicaid Law: An Overview, Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute. Provides a good introduction and overview of Medicaid, a medical assistance program jointly financed by state and federal governments for low income individuals. Includes links to more detailed . . . → Read More: Medicaid Law: An Overview


Overview of Medicaid Eligibility Rules

Overview of Medicaid Eligibility Rules, Website of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. »View Details


Medicaid At A Glance

Medicaid At A Glance 2005, (the most recent version posted on the website of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. A 12 page PDF document providing an overview of the . . . → Read More: Medicaid At A Glance


Medicare and Medicaid: What’s the Difference?

Medicare and Medicaid: What’s the Difference?, FindLaw.com. A very basic introduction to Medicare and Medicaid and the differences between them. »View Details


FAQ on Medicaid

FAQ on Medicaid, by FindLaw.com. Very basic answers to FAQ on Medicaid, based on the ABA Family Legal Guide. »View Details


Medicaid Planning

Medicaid Planning, by ElderLawAnswers.com, a website founded and run by an elder law attorney in Boston, Massachusetts. Contains a good introduction to Medicaid planning and eligibility, written for the non-lawyer (Last Updated: 2008). »View Details


Medicaid Reform & Planning: A Primer For Estate Planners

Medicaid Reform & Planning: A Primer For Estate Planners–Part One, by Holland & Knight LLP, Articles & White Papers; Estate Planning and Administration. »View Details Medicaid Reform & Planning: A Primer For Estate Planners–Part Two, by Holland & Knight . . . → Read More: Medicaid Reform & Planning: A Primer For Estate Planners


Florida: The Florida Trust Code, Chapter 736, Florida Statutes

Florida: The Florida Trust Code, Chapter 736, Florida Statutes, from the Official Internet Site of the Florida Legislature. Posts Florida’s statute governing trusts in Florida. Note: a Florida trusts lawyer must be consulted for advice if your loved one . . . → Read More: Florida: The Florida Trust Code, Chapter 736, Florida Statutes


Minnesota: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 501B – Trusts

Minnesota: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 501B – Trusts, Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes. Link to the Minnesota State statutes governing trusts in Minnesota. Note: a Minnesota trusts lawyer must be consulted for advice if your loved one lives . . . → Read More: Minnesota: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 501B – Trusts


New York: Laws of New York State, Estates, Powers & Trusts, Articles 7, et. seq.

New York: Laws of New York State, Estates, Powers & Trusts, Articles 7, et. seq., Laws of the State of New York. Click “EPT” to access the Chapters relating to Estates, Powers & Trusts. Article 7, et. seq. relate . . . → Read More: New York: Laws of New York State, Estates, Powers & Trusts, Articles 7, et. seq.


Living Trusts – California

Information posted for the public by the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, Probate Court. Contains basic consumer information on Living Trusts, what they are, advantages, most common types, and other frequently asked questions. Caution:  A a . . . → Read More: Living Trusts – California


Texas: Texas Statutes, Property Code, Title 9 – Trusts

Texas: Texas Statutes, Property Code, Title 9 – Trusts, Texas Constitution and Statutes official website, Note: These links are for information only. A Texas trusts lawyer must be consulted for advice if your loved one lives in Texas and . . . → Read More: Texas: Texas Statutes, Property Code, Title 9 – Trusts


California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts

California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts, Family Caregiver Alliance, reviewed and revised 2001 by Charlie P. Sabatino, Assistant Director, Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly, American Bar Association. Discusses questions and answers concerning . . . → Read More: California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts


Living Trusts – State by State

Make a Living Trust in Your State: Select your state to learn about your state’s laws, by Nolo.com. Links to all of the 50 U.S. States with information written by a Nolo attorney on each State’s laws and requirements . . . → Read More: Living Trusts – State by State


Estate Planning: an overview

Estate Planning: an overview, Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute. A basic overview of the process of estate planning, with links to additional basic information on Estates and Trusts, Federal Gift Tax, and Estate Tax, as well as . . . → Read More: Estate Planning: an overview


Estates And Trusts: An Overview

Estates And Trusts: An Overview, Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute. A basic overview of the process of the role of trusts in estate planning, with links to additional basic information on the Uniform Probate Code and wills, . . . → Read More: Estates And Trusts: An Overview


Trusts: An Overview

Trusts: An Overview, by FindLaw.com. Provides a good basic introduction to trusts as an estate-planning tool, including a basic explanation of the different types/ categories of trusts – testamentary trusts (created by will) vs. living or inter vivos trusts . . . → Read More: Trusts: An Overview


Living Trust FAQ: An introduction to living trusts — a popular way to avoid probate

Living Trust FAQ: An introduction to living trusts — a popular way to avoid probate, by Nolo.com. Basic information on living trusts written by a Nolo attorney, with links to state by state information. »View Details


Planning For The Disabled And Elderly – Special Needs Trusts

Planning For The Disabled And Elderly – Special Needs Trusts, by Ellen Morris, J.D. »View Details Planning For The Disabled And Elderly – Special Needs Trusts, by Ellen Morris J.D.


Florida: The Florida Estates and Trusts Laws, Title XLII, Florida Statutes

Florida: The Florida Estates and Trusts Laws, Title XLII, Florida Statutes, from the Official Internet Site of the Florida Legislature. Posts Florida’s Probate Code, governing wills, probates, and intestate succession in Florida. See Title XLII, Chapters 731 – 735, . . . → Read More: Florida: The Florida Estates and Trusts Laws, Title XLII, Florida Statutes


Minnesota: Probate/ Wills/ Estates

Minnesota: Probate/ Wills/ Estates, Minnesota Judicial Branch, Self Help Center. Provides information and resources on probate, wills and estates in Minnesota, including links to probate forms and to the laws and rules on probate in Minnesota. Note: A Minnesota . . . → Read More: Minnesota: Probate/ Wills/ Estates


New York: Laws of New York State, Estates, Powers & Trusts

New York: Laws of New York State, Estates, Powers & Trusts, Articles 1-6, and 9 et. seq., Laws of the State of New York. Click “EPT” to access the Chapters relating to Estates, Powers & Trusts. Chapters 1-6 and . . . → Read More: New York: Laws of New York State, Estates, Powers & Trusts


Texas: Texas Statutes, Probate Code

Texas: Texas Statutes, Probate Code, Texas Constitute and Statutes official website. Click on “Texas Statutes,” then “Probate Code” to find the Texas Statutes governing wills, probate, administration of estates, and intestate succession in Texas. Note: A Texas trusts & . . . → Read More: Texas: Texas Statutes, Probate Code


Uniform Probate Code Locator

Uniform Probate Code Locator, Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute. Links to the Model Uniform Probate Code (“UPC”) as recommended by The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, together with links to the laws of 15 . . . → Read More: Uniform Probate Code Locator


State Estate Planning Laws

State Estate Planning Laws, by FindLaw.com, a resource for attorneys and the public. Provides links for each U.S. State to state-specific estate planning laws, including state laws on living wills, power of attorney, requirements for a valid will, and . . . → Read More: State Estate Planning Laws


Making a Will in Your State

Making a Will in Your State: Select your state to learn about your state’s laws, by Nolo.com. Links to all 50 U.S. States with general information written by a Nolo attorney on each State’s laws and requirements governing wills. . . . → Read More: Making a Will in Your State


Estate Planning: Now More Important Than Ever

Estate Planning: Now More Important Than Ever, Holland & Knight LLP. Article discussing the importance and relevance of tax planning to estate planning. (Note: Holland & Knight LLP is a national law firm of approximately 1,250 attorneys. Connie Barnhart, . . . → Read More: Estate Planning: Now More Important Than Ever


What is Estate Planning?

What is Estate Planning? A preface to the book, Love, Money, Control: Reinventing Estate Planning, Quantum Press, provided by the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys. »View Details The book can be purchased at Amazon.com: Love, Money, Control: Reinventing . . . → Read More: What is Estate Planning?


American Bar Association Guide to Wills and Estates

American Bar Association Guide to Wills and Estates, The American Bar Association. Excellent overall guide to many of the legal issues with respect to estate planning that will concern caregivers and their aging loved ones. Each chapter of this . . . → Read More: American Bar Association Guide to Wills and Estates


California: Fact Sheet: Protective Proceedings: Guardianships and Conservatorships

California: Fact Sheet: Protective Proceedings: Guardianships and Conservatorships, written for Family Caregiver Alliance in 2004 by Harriet P. Prensky, a certified California elder law attorney. Questions and Answers about Conservatorships under California law. »View Details


Florida Guardianship Statutes

Florida: 2010 Florida Statutes, Chapter 744, Guardianship, Official Internet Site of the Florida Legislature. Sets forth the Florida State Statute (law) governing Guardianship in Florida. »View Details


Minnesota: Guardianship & Conservatorship

Minnesota: Guardianship & Conservatorship, Minnesota Judicial Branch, Self Help Center. Provides information on guardianship and conservatorship under Minnesota Law and the differences between them. Includes forms and links to a Manual on Guardianship and Conservatorship of adults in Minnesota . . . → Read More: Minnesota: Guardianship & Conservatorship


California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts

California: Fact Sheet: Durable Powers of Attorney and Revocable Living Trusts, Family Caregiver Alliance, reviewed and revised 2001 by Charlie P. Sabatino, Assistant Director, Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly, American Bar Association. »View Details


Florida Power of Attorney Statutes

Florida: 2010 Florida Statutes, Chapter 709, Powers of Attorney and Similar Instruments, Official Internet Site of the Florida Legislature. Sets forth the entire Florida State Statute (law) governing Powers of Attorney and similar instruments in Florida. Section 709.08 of . . . → Read More: Florida Power of Attorney Statutes


New York Power of Attorney Statutes

New York: Laws of New York State, General Obligation Law, Article 5, Title 15, Sections 5-1501 through 5-1506. Section 5-1501 contains the official New York Statutory Short Form of Power of Attorney, which New Yorkers can rely upon as . . . → Read More: New York Power of Attorney Statutes


Minnesota: Power of Attorney

Minnesota: Power of Attorney, Minnesota Judicial Branch, Self Help Center. Provides a Fact Sheet and information on powers of attorney under Minnesota Law, and links to the Minnesota Statutes governing powers of attorney (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 523), as well . . . → Read More: Minnesota: Power of Attorney


Texas: The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Texas Probate Code, Chapter XII

Texas: The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Texas Probate Code, Chapter XII(as in effect on 11/24/08), from the website of the Texas Legislature containing the Texas State Statutes and Constitution online. This is the Texas Statute governing Durable Powers . . . → Read More: Texas: The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Texas Probate Code, Chapter XII


Power Of Attorney Laws: Citations, By State

Power Of Attorney Laws:Citations, By State, (Laws current as of 12/31/07) Prepared by Lori Stiegel and Ellen Klem of the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging. A list of legal citations to the state laws governing powers . . . → Read More: Power Of Attorney Laws: Citations, By State


Legal Issues in Planning for Incapacity

Legal Issues in Planning for Incapacity, Family Caregiver Alliance. Checklist of things to be considered, options available for managing assets, and ways to plan and pay for long-term care. »View Details


Estate Planning FAQ’s: Power of Attorney

Estate Planning FAQ’s: Power of Attorney, by the American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law. General introduction to powers of attorney and their use, including instruction on how the person with Power of Attorney should . . . → Read More: Estate Planning FAQ’s: Power of Attorney


Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works

Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works, by Nolo.com. General information written by a staff attorney of Nolo.com, on durable powers of attorney, the simple way for elderly persons, while still competent, to authorize their family caregivers to . . . → Read More: Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works


Conservatorships and Guardianships

Conservatorships and Guardianships, by Nolo.com. General information written by a staff attorney of Nolo.com, on conservatorships or adult guardianships, how they generally function, and how to avoid them (by having your loved one execute a durable power of attorney . . . → Read More: Conservatorships and Guardianships


Durable Power of Attorney Project: Download the Durable Power of Attorney Documents in Microsoft Word Format

Durable Power of Attorney Project: Download the Durable Power of Attorney Documents in Microsoft Word Format, American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law. Provides downloadable sample forms for a Durable Power of Attorney (with a . . . → Read More: Durable Power of Attorney Project: Download the Durable Power of Attorney Documents in Microsoft Word Format


Public Guardianship After 25 Years: In the Best Interest of Incapacitated People?

Public Guardianship After 25 Years: In the Best Interest of Incapacitated People? Study funded by the Retirement Research Foundation. A critical examination of the Guardianship laws and regimes in the 50 U.S. States, with recommendations and a proposed new . . . → Read More: Public Guardianship After 25 Years: In the Best Interest of Incapacitated People?


California: Consumers Advance Health Care Directive: What’s Important to You

California: Consumers Advance Health Care Directive: What’s Important to You, California Office of The Attorney General. Provides information on Advance Directives in California, including an Advance Health Care Directive Checklist, as well as a link to a sample form . . . → Read More: California: Consumers Advance Health Care Directive: What’s Important to You


California: Fact Sheet: California Advance Health Care Directive

California: Fact Sheet: California Advance Health Care Directive, Family Caregiver Alliance. Information on Advance Health Care Directives in California. Note: HelpingYouCare.com has not verified when this information was last updated. A qualified California attorney should be consulted in connection . . . → Read More: California: Fact Sheet: California Advance Health Care Directive


Florida: Health Care Advance Directives… The Patient’s Right to Decide

Florida: Health Care Advance Directives… The Patient’s Right to Decide, by The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). 16 page booklet providing information on health care advance directives under Florida law and regulations. According to this booklet, there . . . → Read More: Florida: Health Care Advance Directives… The Patient’s Right to Decide


Florida: Older Floridians Handbook, Fifth Edition

Florida: Older Floridians Handbook, Fifth Edition, by Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Florida Justice Institute, and Carlton Fields. This 121 page Handbook provides information for seniors in Florida, covering many areas. See pages 89-93 for a discussion of Advance . . . → Read More: Florida: Older Floridians Handbook, Fifth Edition


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