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On Health Care Reform

Alzheimer’s/ Dementia – News

Alzheimer’s Disease – Exercise and Nutrition

By the Cleveland Clinic: Exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease: Read more…


Alzheimer’s Disease – Treatment

Alzheimer’s Disease Treatments – by Cleveland Clinic. A discussion of the medicines typically used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and to attempt to slow the progression of the disease.


Alzheimer’s Treatment: Medications and Approaches Used in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Treatment: Medications and Approaches Used in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, By Carrie Hill, PhD, found on About.com.


Treatment options for Alzheimer’s

Treatment options for Alzheimer’s, found on About.com. Treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease, including drugs, daycare, hormones, surgery and support,



Treatments, by the Alzheimer’s Association. Currently there is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, but drug and non-drug treatments may help with cognitive and behavioral symptoms.


Alternative Treatments

Alternative Treatments, by The Alzheimer’s Association. Includes discussions of concerns with alternative remedies, Coenzyme Q10, Coral calcium, Ginkgo biloba, Huperzine A, Omega-3 fatty acids, Phosphatidylserine, and more.


Advances in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Advances in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, by Philip D. Sloane, M.D., M.P.H., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Chapel Hill, North Carolina, American Family Physician, published by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Includes . . . → Read More: Advances in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease


Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease

Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease, Website of the Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability. Contains good links to National Institutes of Health – Clinical Trials, Northwestern University website on treatments, Intellihealth website on treatments, Alzheimer’s Organization on clinical trials, and . . . → Read More: Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease


Caregiver Guide – For the Alzheimer’s Caregiver

Caregiver Guide, Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center, by the National Institute on Aging, U.S. National Institutes of Health. Very good comprehensive links to additional information and resources for Alzheimer’s caregivers.


Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care: Tips, Activities, and Long-Term Options

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care: Tips, Activities, and Long-Term Care Options. Helpful information for Alzheimer’s caregivers from HelpGuide.org, a nonprofit organization. View Info:


How to Deal with Challenging Alzheimer’s Behaviors

Learn More about How to Deal with Challenging Alzheimer’s/ Dementia Behaviors in our Section on How to Deal with Difficult Elderly Behavior.


Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

By the Alzheimer’s Association. Read a Checklist of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s, prepared by the Alzheimer’s Association.   Along with the advice of a doctor, these signs are critical to detecting Alzheimer’s. If you have more questions about . . . → Read More: Know the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s


Alzheimer’s care: Simple tips for daily tasks

Alzheimer’s care: Simple tips for daily tasks, by the Mayo Clinic Staff. Tips for Alzheimer’s caregivers by the Mayo Clinic. Alzheimer’s caregiving takes patience and flexibility. To reduce frustration, consider these tips for daily tasks — from limiting choices . . . → Read More: Alzheimer’s care: Simple tips for daily tasks


Alzheimer’s Caregivers, NIH Senior Health Website

Alzheimer’s Caregivers, NIH Senior Health website, National Institute on Aging, U.S. National Library of Health, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Good links to information and resources for Alzheimer’s caregivers.


Alzheimer’s Disease: Questions and Answers for Caregivers

Alzheimer’s Disease: Questions and Answers for Caregivers – Cleveland Clinic.


Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support — Perfectionism Can Be Bad for You

Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support– Perfectionism Can Be Bad for You, by Mark Matloff Read the article: Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support – Perfectionism Can Be Bad for You


How to cope as an Alzheimer’s caregiver

How to cope as an Alzheimer’s caregiver: in ‘Measure of the Heart’ Mary Ellen Geist shares tips from her experiences. Read more….


Discover How to Become a Successful Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver

Discover How to Become a Successful Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver »View Info (pdf): Discover How to Become a Successful Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver


Ways To Show Your Support of the Alzheimer’s Patient and Caregiver

Ways To Show Your Support of the Alzheimer’s Patient and Caregiver. »Read more: Ways To Show Your Support of the Alzheimer’s Patient and Caregiver


Study Shows Alzheimer’s Hits Women Hardest

From VoA:  A new study produced by the Alzheimer’s Association and Maria Shriver, shows that women end up bearing most of the burden of Alzheimer’s Disease – as caregivers, advocates for those with the disease and as victims of . . . → Read More: Study Shows Alzheimer’s Hits Women Hardest


The Question Alzheimer’s Caregivers Ask: “Am I Going Crazy?”

The Question Alzheimer’s Caregivers Ask: “Am I Going Crazy?” A presentation of some of the concerns that Alzheimer’s caregivers face. »View Info: The Question Alzheimer’s Caregivers Ask – Am I Going Crazy


Alzheimer’s care classes help, but few have time; Many struggle to balance work, challenges of tending to family with disease

Alzheimer’s care classes help, but few have time. Many struggle to balance work, challenges of tending to family with disease, Associated Press, featured by MSNBC, (“A skyrocketing problem. More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. It . . . → Read More: Alzheimer’s care classes help, but few have time; Many struggle to balance work, challenges of tending to family with disease


We must reevaluate our standards on Alzheimer’s and dementia care

The Miami Herald, September 21, 2010 Thoughtful story, published on national Alzheimer’s Day, about the need for a higher standard of care for patients with Alzheimer’s: “Today, more than five million Americans face the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease, more . . . → Read More: We must reevaluate our standards on Alzheimer’s and dementia care


Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Roles, Experiences, Supports and Coping

Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Roles, Experiences, Supports and Coping; A Literature Review, by The Ontario Dementia Caregiver Needs Project, 2004, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. »View Info: Caregivers of Persons with Dementia – Roles, Experiences, Supports and Coping . . . → Read More: Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Roles, Experiences, Supports and Coping


Deeper Into The Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer’s Towards Forgetfulness Care

Deeper Into The Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer’s Towards Forgetfulness Care, by Nader Robert Shabahangi, Ph.D. & Bogna Szymkiewicz, Ph.D., Elders Academy Press. A thoughtful book, inviting us to shift our attitudes toward dementia patients to include openness, curiosity, . . . → Read More: Deeper Into The Soul: Beyond Dementia and Alzheimer’s Towards Forgetfulness Care


Dealing With the Cost of Alzheimer’s

Dealing With the Cost of Alzheimer’s, The Wall Street Journal Online. The cost of Alzheimer’s is proving much higher than most family caregivers imagine. Some of the expenses usually required include 24 hour a day private duty care, because . . . → Read More: Dealing With the Cost of Alzheimer’s


Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Caregiver Guide

Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Caregiver Guide, by MedicineNet.com Links to good information on some of the common questions faced by caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients, including: * Tips for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease * Dealing with the diagnosis of . . . → Read More: Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Caregiver Guide


Alzheimers Has Hefty Global Price Tag: World Alzheimer Report Findings

A recent international report about Alzheimer’s disease suggests that the global economic impact of dementia costs about $604 billion or 1% of the global Gross Domestic Product, indicating that the financial toll of caring for patients with Alzheimer’s is . . . → Read More: Alzheimers Has Hefty Global Price Tag: World Alzheimer Report Findings


Alzheimer’s Warning Sign: Money Problems Predict a Vanishing Mind

According to a recent article in the New York Times, new research indicates that one of the first signs of developing dementia/Alzheimer’s is an inability to understand money, credit, contracts and agreements.  This severly affects not only the person’s family, but . . . → Read More: Alzheimer’s Warning Sign: Money Problems Predict a Vanishing Mind


Alzheimers Disease – The Zen and the Art of Coping With Alzheimers

From New York Times, Health. Notes on the common wisdom in how to deal with the difficult behavior that typifies Alzheimer’s Disease. “Basically go with the flow.” Don’t fight with your senior loved one. Say something that acknowledges his . . . → Read More: Alzheimers Disease – The Zen and the Art of Coping With Alzheimers


Caregiver’s Checklist

A caregiver checklist of medical, legal and financial concerns for someone diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Read more from the Area Agency on Aging>>>


Maria Shriver: Why World Alzheimer’s Day Matters

Read Maria Shriver’s article at Huffington Post: ” Today is World Alzheimer’s Day, an important day all across the globe, as this epidemic continues to steal minds, take lives, and gain momentum. And it is also an important day . . . → Read More: Maria Shriver: Why World Alzheimer’s Day Matters


Vitamin B May Help Prevent Mental Decline in Elderly

Sept. 9, 2010 — A University of Oxford study recently found that taking vitamin B tablets every day may reduce the rate of brain atrophy in older people with mild cognitive impairment by as much as half.   This is very significant, . . . → Read More: Vitamin B May Help Prevent Mental Decline in Elderly


Study: Exercise Slows Alzheimer’s Brain Atrophy

Study: Exercise slows Alzheimer’s brain atrophy, A study released at the 2008 International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease in Chicago found that patients with early Alzheimer’s disease who exercised regularly had less deterioration in the brain areas that control memory. . . . → Read More: Study: Exercise Slows Alzheimer’s Brain Atrophy


Study Links Middle-Age Belly Fat to Dementia

Study Links Middle-Age Belly Fat to Dementia By Rob Stein Washington Post Staff Writer »View Info


Link Between Diabetes, Alzheimers Disease Strengthened

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 25 Newsweek — New research suggests that having insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes raises your risk of developing the brain plaques associated with Alzheimers disease.  A study in Japan found that those with the highest levels . . . → Read More: Link Between Diabetes, Alzheimers Disease Strengthened


Top Ten Dementia Eldercare Recommendations

Top Ten Dementia Eldercare Recommendations , by Jacqueline Marcell, OurAlzheimers.com. Ten excellent suggestions from someone who has been through caring for her parents with dementia.»Read more


Eating Fish May Ward Off Dementia

A significant study recently published in the August issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, presents new evidence that a diet rish in fish may ward off dementia.   This was one of the largest efforts to document a connection — and the first . . . → Read More: Eating Fish May Ward Off Dementia


Alzheimer’s: Prevent it now!

Alzheimer’s: Prevent it now! By Lambert Klein Read Article: Alzheimer’s – Prevent it now!


Spinal-Fluid Test Is Found to Predict Alzheimer’s

Researchers find that a spinal-fluid test can be 100% accurate in predicting early on-set of Alzheimer’s.  Read more in NYTimes.com.. Spinal-Fluid Test Is Found to Predict Alzheimer’s – NYTimes.com.


Help for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

Many government and private orgainzations offer help for caregivers to patients with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.  Read the story reported in the Los Angeles Times:  Help for Alzheimer’s caregivers – . . . → Read More: Help for Alzheimer’s Caregivers


Drug Trials Test Bold Plan to Slow Alzheimer’s – NYTimes.com

Drug Trials Test Bold Plan to Slow Alzheimer’s. For the first time, a drug to attack Alzheimer’s is being tested in patients who seem to be in a very early stage of Alzheimer’s. The idea is to attack the . . . → Read More: Drug Trials Test Bold Plan to Slow Alzheimer’s – NYTimes.com


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