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Bladder & Bowel Control Problems – News

New Digestive Disorders White Paper Issued by Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins Medicine has issued a new research White Paper, The 2012 Johns Hopkins Digestive Disorders White Paper, written by H. Franklin Herlong, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine and Director, Clinical Hepatology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. . . . → Read More: New Digestive Disorders White Paper Issued by Johns Hopkins


National Association for Continence Offers Free Basic Information Packet for Consumers

The National Association for Continence (NAFC), is offering a free basic information packet on bladder and bowel control problems, for consumers. It includes information on when to seek treatment, the role of diet and daily habits, pelvic muscle exercises . . . → Read More: National Association for Continence Offers Free Basic Information Packet for Consumers


Helpful Resources on Incontinence and Bladder & Bowel Problems - NAFC

Visit www.NAFC.org, the website of the National Association For Continence (NAFC), for helpful information and resources on all aspects of understanding and dealing with Incontinence, Nocturia, Enlarged Prostate, and Prolapse. The site includes comprehensive medical information on bladder & bowel health . . . → Read More: Helpful Resources on Incontinence and Bladder & Bowel Problems – NAFC


Evaluating Prescription Drugs Used to Treat Overactive Bladder: Comparing Effectiveness, Safety, and Price

by Consumers Union, ConsumerReports.org. >>View Info


Bowel/ Fecal Incontinence

by Cleveland Clinic, Florida. My.ClevelandClinic.org. Discussion of causes, diagnosis, and treatments for fecal incontinence, including medications, biofeedback, exercise, and surgery. >>View Info


Exercising Your Pelvic Muscles

pamphlet by National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a component of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Explaining how to do Kegel exercises, which can strengthen pelvic floor muscles and help regain bladder control. >>View Info


Fecal Incontinence

pamphlet by National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a component of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Includes a discussion of prevention measures, such as, importantly, prevention of constipation. >>View Info


Urinary Incontinence, Causes, diagnosis and management.

By National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. >>View Info


Your Daily Bladder Diary

A tool recommended by the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Clearinghouse, as an aid for diagnosis of urologic and incontinence problems. Filling out this form will help your medical professionals evaluate your condition. >>View Info


Cystoscopy and Ureteroscopy

pamphlet by National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a component of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Explaining these diagnostic technologies that may be used by your doctor to diagnose urinary tract problems. >>View Info


Imaging of the Urinary Tract

pamphlet by National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a component of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Explaining imaging of the urinary tract, a diagnostic technology that may be used for both men and women to . . . → Read More: Imaging of the Urinary Tract


Urinary Incontinence

from HealthCentral.com, a discussion of the types, considerations, and causes of urinary incontinence. >>View Info


Controlling Incontinence

A video introduction by Dr. Dean Edell on HealthCentral.com, covering types of incontenance, their occurrence and . . . → Read More: Controlling Incontinence


Bladder & Bowel Control

Introduction to the subject from Harvard Health Publications. >>View Info


Urinary incontinence

By MedLine Plus, NIH, a component of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Links to comprehensive information on urinary incontinence, its characteristics, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and management, and additional information >>View Info


Fecal Incontinence

pamphlet by National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a component of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Explains causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatments for fecal incontinence (lack of bowel control), a common problem for the elderly. >>View Info


Bowel incontinence

by IncontinenceNetwork.com. Introduction to definition, considerations, and causes of bowel incontinence (also called fecal incontinence). >>View Info


Watch Video on Controlling Incontinence

Controlling Incontinence, a video introduction by Dr. Dean Edell on HealthCentral.com, covering types of incontenance, their occurrence and . . . → Read More: Watch Video on Controlling Incontinence


Urinary Incontinence: An Overview

A discussion of the types, considerations, and causes of urinary incontinence. »View Info


Discussion of Diagnostic Procedures for Fecal Incontinence

Bowel/ Fecal Incontinence, by Cleveland Clinic, Florida. My.ClevelandClinic.org. Includes discussion of diagnostic procedures used to diagnose problems associated with fecal incontinence. »View Info


Tests for Fecal Incontinence

Fecal Incontinence – Tests and Diagnosis, by Mayo Clinic, MayoClinic.com: »View Info


Mayo Clicic Discusses How To Prevent Fecal Incontinence

Fecal Incontinence – Prevention, by Mayo Clinic, MayoClinic.com: »View Info


How To Do Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises: How to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, by Mayo Clinic, MayoClinic.com. »View Info


Bowel/ Fecal Incontinence, by Cleveland Clinic

Includes discussion of diagnostic procedures used to diagnose problems associated with fecal incontinence. »View Info


Fecal Incontinence Home Remedies by the Mayo Clinic

Fecal Incontinence – Lifestyle and Home Remedies, , by Mayo Clinic, MayoClinic.com: »View Info


What is Urinary Incontinence and How to Treat It

Urinary Incontinence, by Aging in The Know, website of the American Geriatrics Society’s Foundation for Health in Aging. Good background information on the types, assessment and causes of urinary incontinence, with particular focus on the different treatments available. »View . . . → Read More: What is Urinary Incontinence and How to Treat It


Pelvic Exercises for Urine Leaks

From IncontinenceNetwork.com, part of HealthCentral.com. Includes news on prevention and treatments for incontinence, and related matters. »View Info


Learn About Incontinence Medication and Their Side Effects

Incontinence Drug Information, from IncontinenceNetwork.com »View Info


Medication for Urinary Incontinence Discussed by Mayo Clinic

Bladder control problems: Medications for treating urinary incontinence, by Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic.com. »View Info


Urinary Incontinence Surgery

Urinary incontinence surgery: When other treatments aren’t enough, by Mayo Clinic, MayoClinic.com. »View Info


Fecal Incontinence-Mayo Clinic's Plan of Treatment

Fecal Incontinence – Treatments and Drugs, by Mayo  Clinic, MayoClinic.com. »View Info


Urinary Incontinence: Embarrasing but Treatable

The American Academy of Family Physicians, FamilyDoctor.org. discusses treatments and bladder training and management. »View Info


Urinary Incontinence Discussed by American Geriatrics Society's Foundation

Incontinence, by American Geriatrics Society’s Foundation for Health in Aging; discussion for caregivers caring for elders with urinary incontinence, a problem for at least 30% of people over age 60. »View Info


Caregiving and Incontinence: Solutions with Dignity

Caring for a Loved One with Incontinence, by National Family Caregiver Association. Discusses effective solutions to managing incontinence that can result in increased dignity and improved quality of life for elderly loved ones with these common problems, and less . . . → Read More: Caregiving and Incontinence: Solutions with Dignity


Urinary Incontinence Products Recommended by the Mayo Clinic

Urinary incontinence: Incontinence products to help keep you dry, by Mayo Clinic, MayoClinic.com. Discussion of various products that can be of great assistance in caring for an elderly person with incontinence. »View Info


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