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On Health Care Reform

Medical Conditions Commonly Faced by Seniors

What You Need to Know about Balance and Falls; a Physical Therapist’s Perspective

by the American Physical Therapy Association. Understand whether you have a balance or posture problem, and learn about exercises to help correct it. >>View Info


X-rays, CT Scans and MRIs

by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Describes the diagnostic imaging techniques used to give doctors a picture of the patient’s bones, organs, muscles, tendons, nerves, and cartilage, in order to determine if there are any abnormalities, after a . . . → Read More: X-rays, CT Scans and MRIs


Falls Higher Risk in Older Women Who Sleep Less, and Medications do Little to Influence the Link, Study Finds

National Women’s Health Resource Center, healthywomen.org. From HealthDay, September 8, 2008. Study suggests that lack of sleep is a predictor of falls. >>View Info


Electrodiagnostic Testing

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Discusses types of diagnostic testing which should be done to discover injuries to nerves and muscles, if the patient has pain, weakness or numbness in his or her back, neck or hands. >>View . . . → Read More: Electrodiagnostic Testing


About Balance Problems

by the National Institutes of Health – Senior Health. Causes and prevention, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and research, frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources. >>View Info


Walking Problems

by the American Geriatric Society, Foundation for Health in Aging. Information on causes, evaluation, and treatment of walking problems. Early diagnosis and treatment of walking problems are important to prevent falls. >>View Info


Falls Are Top Cause of Injury, Death Among Elderly

Washington Post, July 19, 2008. Cites study by American Geriatric Society, finding that falls are a leading cause of serious injury and death among the elderly, and most of those falls occur in the home. Includes suggestions for making . . . → Read More: Falls Are Top Cause of Injury, Death Among Elderly


Falls and Older Adults

by the National Institutes of Health – Senior Health. Includes discussions about falls, causes and risk factors, preventing falls and fractures, advice if you fall, frequently asked questions, and links to further resources. >>View Info



by MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Extensive information and links to more information and resources. >>View Info


Falls Among Older Adults: An Overview

by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. >>View Info


Falls and Fractures

Age Page by National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health. Discusses physical changes associated with aging that can make falls more likely, consequences of falls (which may be aggravated by osteoporosis), and steps to take to decrease the . . . → Read More: Falls and Fractures


Costs of Falls Among Older Adults

by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in three adults age 65 or older falls each year. “Of those who fall, 20% to 30% suffer moderate to severe injuries that make it hard for them to get . . . → Read More: Costs of Falls Among Older Adults


Don’t Let a Fall be Your Last Trip: Who is At risk?

by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Reports that falls are the leading cause of injury to older adults, with over 11 million people falling each year at a treatment cost to the U.S. of $20.2 Billion annually. The . . . → Read More: Don’t Let a Fall be Your Last Trip: Who is At risk?


Fear of Falling is Justified

by Robin Adams, The Ledger.com, March 24, 2008. >>View Info


Senior Falls Can Lead to Brain Injury

Washington Post, June 24, 2008. “As people age, their risk of falling increases due to a number of factors such as mobility problems due to muscle weakness or poor balance, loss of sensation in feet, chronic health problems, vision . . . → Read More: Senior Falls Can Lead to Brain Injury


Subcortical vascular lesions predict falls at 12 months in elderly patients discharged from a rehabilitation ward

Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Aug;89(8):1522-7. Abstract of scientific study, finding that “subcortical vascular lesions” (lesions in a part of the brain associated with vascular dementia) in patients with gait disorder, 12 months after discharge from a rehabilitation facility, . . . → Read More: Subcortical vascular lesions predict falls at 12 months in elderly patients discharged from a rehabilitation ward


Elder Care At Home, Chapter 9: Hearing Problems, Aging in the Know

by American Geriatrics Society’s Foundation for Health in Aging. Tips for the caregiver on understanding the problem, when to get professional help, what you can do to help, carrying out and adjusting your plan, and checking on progress. >>View . . . → Read More: Elder Care At Home, Chapter 9: Hearing Problems, Aging in the Know


Tips for Dealing with the Elderly

Tips for the caregiver on how to deal with the elderly who suffer from loss of hearing or loss of sight. Ten tips for dealing with blind, hard of hearing, or disoriented persons. >>View Info


Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)

discussion by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, including nature, symptoms, causes, treatments, and tips for the caregiver in helpful ways to interact with an . . . → Read More: Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)


Captions For Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Viewers

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. This information on the many forms of available captions to help a television viewer who is hard of hearing may . . . → Read More: Captions For Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Viewers


Sensible Strategies for Better Communication with People who are Hard of Hearing

by the American Academy of Audiology. Includes general tips, tips for a social gathering at your home, tips for visiting a restaurant, and tips for a meeting. >>View Info


Hearing Aid Compatibility for Wireless Telephones – FCC Consumer Facts

Federal Communications Commission. Before you contemplate purchasing a wireless telephone or cell phone for your elderly loved one, you should read this information. Wireless phones may cause interference and background noise with a hearing aid. Read and understand the . . . → Read More: Hearing Aid Compatibility for Wireless Telephones – FCC Consumer Facts


Making Sense Of Your Health Insurance Plan — Speech, Language, Hearing Benefits

a 6 page pamphlet by the American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Important for caregivers of the elderly to consider insurance coverage issues in connection with consulting your doctor. >>View Info


Managing Agitation in Elderly Patients With Dementia

by Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Ph.D., Geriatric Times, May-June, 2001. This excellent article on caregiving for dementia patients includes the observation that, “The effect of hearing aids has been demonstrated in two studies in which fitting patients with hearing devices resulted . . . → Read More: Managing Agitation in Elderly Patients With Dementia


Straight Talk from FDA about Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Discusses symptoms of hearing loss and the various types of hearing aids available. (Written in both English and Spanish). >>View Info


Hearing Aids: Fact Sheet

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Frequently asked questions and answers on hearing aids. >>View Info


Communication and Alerting Devices for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People: What’s Available Now

Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University. Excellent catalogue and description of the different devices available to help those with hearing loss, including not only hearing aids and personal listening devices, but also telephone aides, television and . . . → Read More: Communication and Alerting Devices for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People: What’s Available Now


Hearing Aid Myths and Facts

American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Discussion of the most common myths and facts associated with hearing aids. Educate yourself about hearing aids. >>View Info


Digital Hearing Aids: Current “State-of-the-Art”

American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Discussion of the different digital technologies now used in hearing aids, and their benefits. >>View Info


Assistive Technology; What are Assistive Listening Devices?

American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Discussion of the available technology and devices to use with or without hearing aids to further assist hearing and communication, by helping to overcome the negative effects of distance, background noise, or poor . . . → Read More: Assistive Technology; What are Assistive Listening Devices?


Bone Anchored Hearing Treatment Procedure

Link provided by MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, NIH, to a video and instructional session about “Baha: Bone Anchored Hearing Treatment Procedure.” This is a surgical procedure conducted by Hartford Hospital, implanting a hearing device to restore hearing. >>View . . . → Read More: Bone Anchored Hearing Treatment Procedure


Cochlear Implants

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Provides detailed information about this surgically implanted electronic device that provides sound to people with severe hearing loss. Studies have . . . → Read More: Cochlear Implants


Adult Aural/Audiologic Rehabilitation

American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Explains the aural/audiologic rehabilitation services available to help a person adjust to his or her hearing loss, including education and counseling on making the best use of hearing aids, exploring assistive devices . . . → Read More: Adult Aural/Audiologic Rehabilitation


Dial 711 For Telecommunications Relay Service – FCC Consumer Facts

Federal Communications Commission. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted use of the 711 dialing code for access to Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). TRS permits persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a . . . → Read More: Dial 711 For Telecommunications Relay Service – FCC Consumer Facts


Noise-induced Hearing Loss Fact Sheet

by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Exposure to noise that is too loud can cause permanent hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable by . . . → Read More: Noise-induced Hearing Loss Fact Sheet


How Loud is Too Loud?

pamphlet by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. Gives examples of decibel levels of various noises and explains how much exposure at each level can cause permanent hearing loss. >>View Info


Earwax – Insight into the Proper Care of Ears

American Academy of Otolaryngology. Buildup of excessive earwax is one of the most common causes of loss of hearing. This website page explains why the body produces earwax, the recommended methods of cleaning, why cotton swabs should not be . . . → Read More: Earwax – Insight into the Proper Care of Ears


Noise and Hearing Loss Prevention: Choose The Hearing Protection That’s Right for You

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health. Discussion of types of earplugs and ear muffs available for those who might be exposed to loud noises. >>View Info


Hearing Screening

American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. More than 30% of people over 65 have some type or hearing loss. Adult hearing screening programs are considered voluntary, but it is recommended that adults be screened at least every decade . . . → Read More: Hearing Screening


Fire Safe and Sound — A Fire Safety Factsheet for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

by the U. S. Fire Administration (USFA), a part of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security. Provides safety tips on planning in advance to prevent danger to those with hearing loss in the event of a fire emergency. . . . → Read More: Fire Safe and Sound — A Fire Safety Factsheet for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing


Ten Ways to Recognize Hearing Loss

National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Clearinghouse. Diagnostic tool with ten questions and a guideline to help you recognize symptoms of hearing loss and when to see a doctor. >>View Info


Hearing Problems

FamilyDoctor.org. A flow chart of various hearing loss symptoms, pointing to their corresponding diagnosis and recommended actions for self-care of seeing one’s doctor. >>View Info


What is an Audiologist? (And Other Questions About Audiology)

American Academy of Audiology. >>View Info



from the Journal of the American Medical Association. A fact sheet about audiometry, the diagnostic technique by audiologists in the diagnosis of hearing loss. >>View Info


Hearing Assessment

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Includes detailed information on the diagnostic process for assessing hearing and its components. >>View Info


Screening for handicapping hearing loss in the elderly

Journal of Family Practice. Report of a study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, recommending screening of the elderly for hearing loss, and discussing diagnostic metrics used to measure hearing loss. Includes a discussion of what . . . → Read More: Screening for handicapping hearing loss in the elderly


Understanding Your Audiogram

by the American Academy of Audiology. An explanation with diagrams to help you understand the audiogram, a diagnostic tool measuring hearing. >>View Info


Facts About Hearing Assessment

website of the American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Explains the purpose and methods of hearing assessment, how to interpret an audiogram and other measures, and facts about balance assessment. >>View Info


Hearing Loss, NIH Senior Health

a tutorial on hearing loss by the National Institutes of Health, Senior Health. Defines hearing loss, which is one of the most common conditions facing older adults, and discusses the causes and prevention, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and research, . . . → Read More: Hearing Loss, NIH Senior Health


Hearing Disorders and Deafness

MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Good overview and links to information about hearing disorders and deafness, and the nature, causes, effects, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of these problems. . . . → Read More: Hearing Disorders and Deafness


Hearing Loss

MedlinePlus Patient Education, interactive tutorial about hearing loss, from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. >>View Info


Hearing Loss and Older Adults

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. A short diagnostic tool to determine whether an elder may have hearing loss, combined with practical information on the causes . . . → Read More: Hearing Loss and Older Adults


Statistics about Hearing, Balance, Ear Infections, and Deafness

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. >>View Info



a 96 page detailed bibliography and resource list of publications on hearing disorders, treatments, and hearing loss prevention, by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. >>View Info



National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. “Presbycusis is the loss of hearing that gradually occurs in most individuals as they grow older. Hearing loss is a . . . → Read More: Presbycusis


The Prevalence and Incidence of Hearing Loss in Adults

Statistics from the American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. >>View Info


Fact Sheet: Better Ear Health

American Academy of Otolaryngology. Provides information on several different medical causes of ear problems. >>View Info


Sound Advice About Age-Related Hearing Loss

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Information on the causes, symptoms and treatments for age-related hearing loss, as well as preventive advice on how to lessen the severity of age-related hearing loss by protecting against exposure to excessive loud noises . . . → Read More: Sound Advice About Age-Related Hearing Loss


Adult Hearing Loss

Journal of the American Medical Association. Introduction to the types of hearing loss, and references to other resources. Reports that, “Approximately 25% to 40% of adults older than 65 years have some degree of hearing loss, and it is . . . → Read More: Adult Hearing Loss


Hearing Loss in Elderly Patients in a Family Practice

report of a scientific study on pubmedcentral.nih.gov. Reports that hearing loss sufficient to impair communication is estimated to affect 25% to 60% of people over 65 years of age. In this study of older patients in a family practice, . . . → Read More: Hearing Loss in Elderly Patients in a Family Practice


Hearing, Ear Infections and Deafness

a website of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Includes a catalogue of diseases and conditions that may be associated with or cause hearing loss, . . . → Read More: Hearing, Ear Infections and Deafness


Hearing Loss

MayoClinic.com. An overview of the definitions, symptoms, causes, risk factors, tests and diagnosis and treatments of hearing loss. >>View Info


Hearing Loss Association of America Website

Website dedicated to providing information, education, advocacy and support for people with hearing loss. Includes books, educational courses, and other resources. >>View Info


How Hearing & Balance Work

American Speech – Language – Hearing Association. Discussion of the anatomy of the ear and how the mechanisms of human hearing and balance work. >>View Info


Balance Problems – NIH Senior Health

National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging. Tutorial on balance problems, their causes and prevention, symptoms and diagnosis, and treatments. >> View Info


Arthritis: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Disability

by MedicineNet.com. Arthritis affects more than 43 million Americans, is the leading cause of disability, and is expected to increase dramatically as the baby boomers age. It is expected to affect 60 million Americans, or 20% of the population, . . . → Read More: Arthritis: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Disability


Arthritis Overview

by Cleveland Clinic »View Info


Arthritis Basics; Arthritis Types

Overview, by CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion »View Info



Information from Medline Plus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. »View Info


Information on Arthritis

by MedicineNet.com, including multiple types of arthritis and arthritis topics. »View Info


Arthritis: Keeping your joints healthy

Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School. Book covering in detail medical information on the different types of arthritis, and their diagnosis, treatments, and remedies. »View Info



by MayoClinic.com. Discussion of definition, causes, risk factors, when to seek medical advice, tests and diagnosis, complications, treatments, prevention, and lifestyle. »View Info


Data and Statistics on the Prevalence of Arthritis, State by State

from the CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion »View Info


Targeting Arthritis

Reducing Disability for Nearly 19 Million Americans 2007, by CDC, Department of Health & Human Resources. Paper discussing the nature and prevalence of arthritis, and providing statistics for its occurrence in relationship to other diseases. View info…Targeting Arthritis


Arthritis Learning Center

Basic information from HealthLine, including symptoms, diagnosis, causes, treatments, alternative therapies, and prevention. »View Info


Arthritis Symptoms and Diagnosis

from WebMD.com. Search results linking to several WebMD articles on symptoms and diagnosis for different types of arthritis. »View Info


Assess Your Symptoms, Arthritis Foundation

Seven question quiz to help you assess your symptoms of possible arthritis. »View Info


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Booklet by National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, describing characteristics, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments of Rheumatoid Arthritis. See…Rheumatoid Arthritis


Do I Have Arthritis? ¿Tengo Artritis?

Pamphlet by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, with introductory information in both English and Spanish on what is arthritis, its types, symptoms, diagnosis, . . . → Read More: Do I Have Arthritis? ¿Tengo Artritis?


Osteoarthritis: How is it diagnosed?

By Arthritis Foundation. Discussion of diagnosis of this most common form or arthritis, estimated to affect 27 million Americans. »View Info


Medicare Patients Often Harmed in Hospitals, Study Says

Mistakes Chronicled on Medicare Patients By DUFF WILSON Published: November 15, 2010 According to a new study from the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services, one of every seven Medicare beneficiaries who is . . . → Read More: Medicare Patients Often Harmed in Hospitals, Study Says


Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s

Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s, Advice For Families. Includes links to information on Assessing your Needs, Advance Preparation, Coping with the Transition, Advice for Families, Paying for Long-Term Care, and other matters of importance to caregivers for seniors with . . . → Read More: Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s


10 Ways You Can Protect Your Joints

and help prevent Osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis). By the Arthritis Foundation. »View Info


Regular Walking Nearly Halves Disability Risk

Research Alert from the Arthritis Foundation, July 17, 2008. Older adults can decrease their risk of disability and increase their likelihood of maintaining independence by 41 percent by participating in a walking exercise program, according to a new University . . . → Read More: Regular Walking Nearly Halves Disability Risk


National Arthritis Action Plan: A Public Health Strategy

Prepared Under The Leadership Of Arthritis Foundation, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sixty page document, focusing on plan to foster national education and prevention of arthritis. View info…National Arthritis Action . . . → Read More: National Arthritis Action Plan: A Public Health Strategy


Diet and Your Arthritis

by the Arthritis Foundation. Includes a guide to a healthy diet, discussion of research on the relationship of nutrition and arthritis, and links to a study on the relationship of obesity and arthritis. »View Info



by American Geriatrics Society, Foundation for Health in Aging. Discusses causes, assessment, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, including the importance of exercise, calcium and vitamin D. »View Info


The Low-Down on Osteoporosis

by the National Institute of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, including “a word to the wise: what you can do to prevent osteoporosis.” View info…The Low-Down on Osteoporosis


Arthritis: Timely Treatments for an Ageless Disease

by Carol Lewis, Federal Citizen Information Center. Discussion of the several different types of arthritis, and treatments for each. »View Info


Arthritis Treatments

by Healthline.com. Review and discussion of a comprehensive list of potential treatments for arthritis. »View Info


Caregiving and Arthritis – Information on Care Needs for Caregivers

About.com: Arthritis. Links to articles and resources for caregivers. »View Info


Osteoporosis: Lesson 4: So, You Are A Caregiver

by Virginia Mann, Suite101.com. »View Info


Joint Pain & Arthritis Overview – Strength for Caring

from strengthforcaring.com »View Info


Tips for Diffusing Anger in Those with Dementia

From The Mayo Clinic. Useful tips for caregivers on how to diffuse anger frequently experienced in those with Alzheimer’s and other . . . → Read More: Tips for Diffusing Anger in Those with Dementia


The Alzheimer’s Association on Alzheimer’s Disease – A Comprehensive Resource

The website of the Alzheimer’s Association – A Comprehensive Resource on Alzheimer’s Disease. The website of the Alzheimer’s Association provides a most comprehensive resource for families caring for elderly loved ones with Alzheimer’s Disease. It includes links to: Overview; . . . → Read More: The Alzheimer’s Association on Alzheimer’s Disease – A Comprehensive Resource


A Virtual Library on Alzheimer’s Disease

A Virtual Library on Alzheimer’s Disease, Provided by the Alzheimer’s Association. Find a list of available Publications, Resources, and learn How to Borrow from the virtual library. View Info »


Books on Family Caregiving for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease

Books on Family Caregiving for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease, Bibliography prepared by the Alzheimer’s Association. Here is a useful list of selected books on family caregiving for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease, recommended by the Alzheimer’s Association. Read More . . . → Read More: Books on Family Caregiving for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease


Heart Diseases & Stroke; Links to Comprehensive Information by American Heart Association

Heart Diseases & Stroke; Links to Comprehensive Information, found on the Website of the American Heart Association. Contains links to extensive information relating to Heart Disease and Stroke, including: Warning Signs; Learn About Stroke, and other information on Stroke; . . . → Read More: Heart Diseases & Stroke; Links to Comprehensive Information by American Heart Association


Aging Hearts & Arteries; A Scientific Quest, National Institute on Aging

Aging Hearts & Arteries; A Scientific Quest. This website (with a link to a 68 page pdf document) by the National Institute on Aging (“NIA”), National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, reports on research . . . → Read More: Aging Hearts & Arteries; A Scientific Quest, National Institute on Aging


Heart Disease Fact Sheet, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Heart Disease Fact Sheet, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A map and statistics on the incidence of heart disease in the U.S. Fact No. 1 is that “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for . . . → Read More: Heart Disease Fact Sheet, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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