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Medications: Management & Information

Free Webinar on Parkinson's Medications Offered by National Parkinson Foundation

The National Parkinson Foundation has announced that it will offer a free online webinar on Parkinson’s Medications on June 20, 2013 (1:00 PM US Eastern Time). Advance registration is required. Following is an announcement of the webinar that HelpingYouCare® . . . → Read More: Free Webinar on Parkinson’s Medications Offered by National Parkinson Foundation


Weight Gain, Depression & Other Often-Mistaken Symptoms Could Signify Thyroid Disease, Harvard Reports

“The symptoms of thyroid diseases are so wide-ranging—affecting your mood, energy, body temperature, weight, heart, and more—that it may be difficult to get the correct diagnosis right away,” according to the authors of a recent Special Health Report on . . . → Read More: Weight Gain, Depression & Other Often-Mistaken Symptoms Could Signify Thyroid Disease, Harvard Reports


Meningitis Outbreak Expands to 284 Cases; 23 Deaths

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are investigating a deadly multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis, which has been linked to steroid injections given for back and joint pain — . . . → Read More: Meningitis Outbreak Expands to 284 Cases; 23 Deaths


The FDA's Role in Reviewing the Safety & Efficacy of Dietary Supplements

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes clear that it does not conduct a pre-market review of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are not approved by the government for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed. However, Vasilios H. . . . → Read More: The FDA’s Role in Reviewing the Safety & Efficacy of Dietary Supplements


FDA Issues Scam Alert: Beware of Phone Scams from Bogus FDA Agents if You Have Bought Meds Online

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the following Bulletin on September 25, 2012: Scam Alert: Beware of Bogus FDA Agents “Hundreds of people who have purchased drugs over the Internet or via telephone have unwittingly exposed themselves . . . → Read More: FDA Issues Scam Alert: Beware of Phone Scams from Bogus FDA Agents if You Have Bought Meds Online


New Resources on Hospital to Home Transition Featured on National Library of Medicine Site

“Many older adults do not successfully make the transition home well and end up returning to the hospital. In fact, one in five Medicare patients are readmitted to a hospital within 30 days after discharge,” according to a new . . . → Read More: New Resources on Hospital to Home Transition Featured on National Library of Medicine Site


U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommends Against Vitamin D & Calcium Supplements

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation on June 12, 2012, in which, based on its review of the scientific literature, it declined to recommend Vitamin D and Calcium supplements for prevention of cancer or bone . . . → Read More: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommends Against Vitamin D & Calcium Supplements


Free Webinar on Parkinson's Hospital Care Offered by National Parkinson Foundation

The National Parkinson Foundation (NFP) has announced that it will hold a Free online webinar on how to get the best care for those with Parkinson’s disease when they are hospitalized. The Webinar will take place on April 5, . . . → Read More: Free Webinar on Parkinson’s Hospital Care Offered by National Parkinson Foundation


Coordinated Care

The Care Connectivity Consortium believes finding a national solution to coordinated care is absolutely essential to health care in America. Watch Dr. Dawn Milliner, Chief Medical Information Officer, Mayo Clinic » . . . → Read More: Coordinated Care


New Studies Find Harm to Health from Vitamin Use

Two new studies published this week in journals of the American Medical Association have found evidence that taking extra doses of vitamin supplements may significantly increase risks to health and longevity. “There really is not any compelling evidence that . . . → Read More: New Studies Find Harm to Health from Vitamin Use


FDA Offers Webinar on Prescription Drug Shortages

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “in 2010 there were a record number of shortages of prescription drugs, and … in 2011, FDA continues to see an increasing number of shortages, especially those involving older sterile . . . → Read More: FDA Offers Webinar on Prescription Drug Shortages


New AHRQ Initiative: Questions are the Answer For Better Doctor-Patient Communication

On Tuesday, September 20, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS), along with the Ad Council, a non-profit organization, launched a new Questions are the Answer initiative . . . → Read More: New AHRQ Initiative: Questions are the Answer For Better Doctor-Patient Communication


Seniors on Medicare Have Saved $ Millions Due to Affordable Care Act, CMS Reports

In a briefing released on September 8, 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reported statistics showing that the Affordable Care Act has so far saved Millions of Dollars in prescription drug costs and preventive care for . . . → Read More: Seniors on Medicare Have Saved $ Millions Due to Affordable Care Act, CMS Reports


Maximum Dose of Extra Strength Tylenol Lowered from 8 to 6 Pills Per 24 Hours

Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare subsidiary, the maker of TYLENOL® and Extra Strength TYLENOL® (acetaminophen), announced on July 28, 2011, that it is lowering the maximum daily dose instructions for Extra Strength TYLENOL® from eight pills per 24 . . . → Read More: Maximum Dose of Extra Strength Tylenol Lowered from 8 to 6 Pills Per 24 Hours


FDA Warns: Osteoporosis Drugs Under Review For Potential Increased Risk of Cancer of Esophagus

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Drug Safety Communication today, notifying healthcare professionals and patients that the FDA is conducting “an ongoing review of data from published studies” to evaluate whether taking oral osteoporosis drugs (generically . . . → Read More: FDA Warns: Osteoporosis Drugs Under Review For Potential Increased Risk of Cancer of Esophagus


Calcium + Vitamin D Reduced Melanoma Risk by 57% in Women with History of Other Skin Cancer

A new study led by scientists at Stanford has found that a daily supplement of 1,000 mg of calcium plus 400 IU of vitamin D3 lowered the risk of getting melanoma by 57% in women with a history of . . . → Read More: Calcium + Vitamin D Reduced Melanoma Risk by 57% in Women with History of Other Skin Cancer


Tips for Traveling With Diabetes Issued by NIH and CDC

The National Diabetes Education Program, jointly sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), has issued a checklist of tips to help you travel with diabetes. These may be helpful to . . . → Read More: Tips for Traveling With Diabetes Issued by NIH and CDC


Studies Find Calcium Supplements May Increase Risk of Heart Attack

New studies, conducted by medical researchers at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, found that post-menopausal women taking calcium supplements (with or without Vitamin D) may be at increased risk of heart attack. . . . → Read More: Studies Find Calcium Supplements May Increase Risk of Heart Attack


Study Finds Common Alzheimer's Drug Not Effective To Treat Early to Moderate Alzheimer's

Attention caregivers for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease: A new study published in the Archives of Neurology found that memantine, a drug commonly prescribed (under the brand name Namenda) for Alzheimer’s patients, was not effective to treat . . . → Read More: Study Finds Common Alzheimer’s Drug Not Effective To Treat Early to Moderate Alzheimer’s


Antiobiotic Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance, due to indiscriminate use of existing antibiotics, is an urgent global problem and is the theme for World Health Organization’s World Health Day. Watch Dr. James Hughes, IDSA President See also article on “Worst ever prescription drug . . . → Read More: Antiobiotic Resistance


Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Vitamins

Do vitamins and supplements lower your risk of cardiovascular disease? Some frequently asked questions answered by Leslie Cho, M.D. Director of the Women’s Cardiovascular Center of the Cleveland Clinic. Watch»


Worst Ever Prescription Drug Shortages Alarming Hospitals & Medical Professionals - Why is This Happening?

Several reports have recently highlighted the fact that hospitals throughout the U.S. are running out of key drugs, including anesthetics needed in surgeries, chemotherapy drugs needed to treat cancer, and common antibiotics required to treat a multitude of diseases. . . . → Read More: Worst Ever Prescription Drug Shortages Alarming Hospitals & Medical Professionals – Why is This Happening?


German Study Finds 30% of Breast Cancer Cases May be Prevented by Avoiding Hormone Therapy and Exercising More

German cancer research scientists have found that approximately 30 percent of postmenopausal breast cancer cases may be preventable if a woman avoids hormone replacement therapy and gets enough exercise. In Germany, 58,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each . . . → Read More: German Study Finds 30% of Breast Cancer Cases May be Prevented by Avoiding Hormone Therapy and Exercising More


FDA Statements Indicate More Scrutiny & Recalls of Dietary Supplements - Some Have Ingredients with Potentially Lethal Risks

The FDA this year has issued several statements and recalls regarding dietary supplements discovered to contain undeclared drug ingredients.  Studies have shown that some supplements may increase potentially lethal risks to patients and contain varying amounts of active compounds . . . → Read More: FDA Statements Indicate More Scrutiny & Recalls of Dietary Supplements – Some Have Ingredients with Potentially Lethal Risks


Evaluating Prescription Drugs Used to Treat Overactive Bladder: Comparing Effectiveness, Safety, and Price

by Consumers Union, ConsumerReports.org. >>View Info


An Introduction to Probiotics

by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NIH, the natural remedy receiving increasing focus as an treatment and preventive for C-Dif and related intestinal problems. >>View Info


The Role of Probiotic Cultures in the Control of Gastrointestinal Health

Rial D. Rolfe, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Journal of Nutrition , 130 (2) 396. Scientific studies have demonstrated that the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii [sold under the brand name, Florastor] significantly inhibited the . . . → Read More: The Role of Probiotic Cultures in the Control of Gastrointestinal Health


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