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Harvard Releases New Report On Stress Management

Frequently late? Often angry or irritated? Unsure of your ability to do something? Overextended? Not enough time for stress relief? A new report by Harvard Medical School, Stress Management: Approaches for preventing and reducing stress, “can help you identify . . . → Read More: Harvard Releases New Report On Stress Management


CDC Launches Sortable Database of Health Stats by State and Region

The CDC has launched Sortable Stats 2.0 – a new online database of health indicators and behavioral risk factors that is sortable by state or region, by demographics, by health condition, and in various other ways. The interactive database, . . . → Read More: CDC Launches Sortable Database of Health Stats by State and Region


81-Year-Old Champion Water Skier

Strong, quick and fearless Frances Woofenden from West Palm Beach Florida is also 81 years old! She never tried water skiing until she was 50 years old. She now skis five days a week and is the number one . . . → Read More: 81-Year-Old Champion Water Skier


Enjoyment is the Key to Sticking with Exercise for a Lifetime, New Book Advises

In his new book, “Stick With Exercise For A Lifetime; How to Enjoy Every Minute of It,” former Occidental College swimming and water polo coach and wellness consultant Robert Hopper, PhD provides a concise guide to developing an exercise . . . → Read More: Enjoyment is the Key to Sticking with Exercise for a Lifetime, New Book Advises


Proposed New Rules Implementing Key Provisions of Obamacare Published for Public Comment

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced proposed new rules implementing three key areas of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (which some call “Obamacare”). The proposed rules were officially published in the Federal Register . . . → Read More: Proposed New Rules Implementing Key Provisions of Obamacare Published for Public Comment


Avoid Unnecessary Medical Tests That Involve Exposure to Radiation

Originally published January 6, 2011; Updated November 28, 2012 A  study funded by the National Institute of Aging and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, shows that 66% of Americans underwent medical testing involving exposure to radiation . . . → Read More: Avoid Unnecessary Medical Tests That Involve Exposure to Radiation


When Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?

Are dental x-rays dangerous? Is once a year too often? Should you make a risk-benefit analysis next time you’re in the dentist’s office? A new study conducted by researchers at Yale University has found an association between dental x-rays . . . → Read More: When Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?


At What Ages Do Baby Boomers Show Increased Interest in Health?

A new study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University has found that Baby Boomers show increasing interest in their health in their early 50′s and around age 65. The peak interest in health issues for Baby Boomers comes . . . → Read More: At What Ages Do Baby Boomers Show Increased Interest in Health?


Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®

As we gather with family to give thanks for our Blessings this Thanksgiving, let us all remember in gratitude our senior loved ones and their family caregivers, and the love they give and sacrifice and many contributions they make . . . → Read More: Happy Thanksgiving to You from HelpingYouCare®


Caregiving for a Dear Friend with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS): Part II of a Hope-Inspiring Story

Contributed By Shirley A. Woods EDITOR’S NOTE: In a previous post, our dear friend Jackie Barber told the inspiring story of how she is overcoming the dreaded Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) that eighteen months ago left her completely paralyzed . . . → Read More: Caregiving for a Dear Friend with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS): Part II of a Hope-Inspiring Story


Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving

As part of its national observation of Diabetes Awareness Month this November, the American Diabetes Association has published a new Family Classics Diabetes Cookbook with diabetes-friendly recipes, which it says can benefit everyone this Thanksgiving — whether you have . . . → Read More: Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving


Still Driving - Safely - at 100 Years Old

100 Year Old Suzie Dixon of the UK is still driving her own car at age 100. She started driving a 1920′s “Bull Nose Morris” car in the early 1930′s, and she has been driving ever since — over . . . → Read More: Still Driving – Safely – at 100 Years Old


Five of the Best Exercises You Can Do Without Going to the Gym

A new HealthBeat report published November 15 by Harvard Health Publications, part of Harvard Medical School, lists five of the best “workouts” you can do without going to the gym. According to the authors, these exercises will “help keep . . . → Read More: Five of the Best Exercises You Can Do Without Going to the Gym


Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim

By Deane Alban The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the early settlers with help from the Native Americans as a way to offer thanks for their surviving another brutal year. They constantly lived with the uncertainty that there would . . . → Read More: Have a Healthy Thanksgiving Without Eating Like a Pilgrim


90-Year-Old Triathlete

90-Year-Old Charlie Futrell was believed to be the oldest person to finish a USA Triathlon-sanctioned race. He finished more than 120 triathlons and six IronMan competitions in Hawaii since he started competing in his 60s. Watch »   See . . . → Read More: 90-Year-Old Triathlete


National Family Caregivers Month Highlights the Crucial Role of Family Caregivers

President Barack Obama has proclaimed November as National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and appreciate family caregivers and shine a light on the crucial role they play in caring for our nation’s seniors and those with chronic . . . → Read More: National Family Caregivers Month Highlights the Crucial Role of Family Caregivers


US Govt Does More than Honor Veterans for Veterans Day

In observance of Veterans Day, Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, issued a Statement on Friday, in which she said, “This Veterans Day, we honor all those who have served in our nation’s armed forces and are . . . → Read More: US Govt Does More than Honor Veterans for Veterans Day


Mann Kaur, 96-Year-Old Woman, a Half Marathon Runner

At 96 years old, Mann Kaur runs another half Marathon! She has won medals at various similar events around the world. Mann Kaur has been called, “someone who truly defies age.” Her secret: “A daily brisk walk, fitness training . . . → Read More: Mann Kaur, 96-Year-Old Woman, a Half Marathon Runner


Parkinson Foundation Offers Free Webcast on Young Onset Parkinson's - Nov. 17

The National Parkinson Foundation has announced that its Midwest Young Onset Parkinson’s Conference will take place November 16-17, 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and will include a free Webcast open to the public on November 17 – starting at 8:00 . . . → Read More: Parkinson Foundation Offers Free Webcast on Young Onset Parkinson’s – Nov. 17


Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care

November has been designated as Long-Term Care Awareness Month. As part of this observance, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issued a release yesterday, containing useful information on long-term care for seniors and their family caregivers. The . . . → Read More: Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care


Be Aware of Health Frauds Online

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns consumers to be careful when buying medicine and other health products online. They advise that some websites sell medicine that may not be safe and could put your health at risk. They . . . → Read More: Be Aware of Health Frauds Online


Smoke-Free Workplace Laws Linked to Lower Incidence of Heart Attacks

A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, has found an association between smoke-free workplace laws implemented in Olmstead County, Minnesota and a decline in the incidence of heart attacks . . . → Read More: Smoke-Free Workplace Laws Linked to Lower Incidence of Heart Attacks


Learn How to Spot and Avoid Health Fraud

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urges consumers to be on guard against fraudulent products claiming to treat, prevent, or cure a wide variety of medical conditions. FDA provides information and resources on its website on Health Fraud, . . . → Read More: Learn How to Spot and Avoid Health Fraud


Exercise Better than Mental or Social Activity to Protect Brain from Shrinkage, Study Finds

A new study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Association of Neurology, has found that among older adults, regular exercise was more effective in protecting against brain shrinkage than were either mental or social activities. Some . . . → Read More: Exercise Better than Mental or Social Activity to Protect Brain from Shrinkage, Study Finds


Tips on Keeping Food & Water Safe During Emergencies, Circulated by HHS

As Hurricane Sandy was preparing to strike New Jersey and New York on October 29, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) circulated a bulletin on how to prepare for, and keep your food and water safe . . . → Read More: Tips on Keeping Food & Water Safe During Emergencies, Circulated by HHS


Treating Sleep Apnea Found to Reduce High Blood Pressure

A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that a group of men with obstructive sleep apnea who also had high blood pressure, benefited from a significant lowering of their blood pressure when their . . . → Read More: Treating Sleep Apnea Found to Reduce High Blood Pressure


Eating Tomatoes May Lower Stroke Risk, Study Suggests

A study by Finnish researchers has found that men with relatively high blood levels of the antioxidant lycopene, commonly found in tomatoes, had a significantly lower risk of suffering a stroke over a twelve-year study period than those with . . . → Read More: Eating Tomatoes May Lower Stroke Risk, Study Suggests


What are the Secrets of Living to Be Healthy & Active at 100 Years Old?

Recent studies of people who are healthy, alert and active at age 100 have found that lifestyle appears to be the secret to their remarkable health and longevity. Among the key factors identified: a healthy diet; daily low-intensity exercise . . . → Read More: What are the Secrets of Living to Be Healthy & Active at 100 Years Old?


Decline in Physical Abilities Linked to Increased Risk for Dementia Among 90 Year Olds, Study Finds

A new study published in the Archives of Neurology, a journal of the American Medical Association, as found that among people age 90 and older, poor ability to walk, stand up, maintain balance, and perform other physical tasks was . . . → Read More: Decline in Physical Abilities Linked to Increased Risk for Dementia Among 90 Year Olds, Study Finds


Eating Legumes May Help Diabetes Patients Control Blood Sugar & Lower Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds

A new study published October 22 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, has found that type 2 diabetes patients who consumed at least one cup of legumes (such as beans, chickpeas or . . . → Read More: Eating Legumes May Help Diabetes Patients Control Blood Sugar & Lower Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds


HHS Agrees to End Practice of Denying Medicare Coverage for Skilled Care & Related Home Health & Therapy Due to Lack of Patient Improvement

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has entered into a proposed settlement of a lawsuit in which HHS agreed to revise portions of the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual to stop the long-standing practice of denying Medicare . . . → Read More: HHS Agrees to End Practice of Denying Medicare Coverage for Skilled Care & Related Home Health & Therapy Due to Lack of Patient Improvement


Doctor Shortage: Which States Have the Fewest & Most Doctors Per 100,000 People?

A new survey conducted by the research firm 2/7 Wall St has identified the 10 U.S. States that have the fewest doctors per 100,000 people in the population, versus the 10 States that have the most doctors per 100,000 . . . → Read More: Doctor Shortage: Which States Have the Fewest & Most Doctors Per 100,000 People?


Meningitis Outbreak Expands to 284 Cases; 23 Deaths

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are investigating a deadly multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis, which has been linked to steroid injections given for back and joint pain — . . . → Read More: Meningitis Outbreak Expands to 284 Cases; 23 Deaths


New Zealand's Talented 91-Year-Old Singer Olivia Turner

91-Year-Old Olivia Turner is a contestant on New Zealand’s TV show “Got Talent.” When asked whether she was affected by the a series of devastating earthquakes which occurred in New Zealand two years ago, Ms Turner simply answered; ‘Yes, . . . → Read More: New Zealand’s Talented 91-Year-Old Singer Olivia Turner


Breast Cancer Awareness Month Twitter Chat - October 23, 2012

The Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it will co-sponsor a Twitter Chat for Breast Cancer Awareness Month on October 23, 2012. The Chat on Twitter will focus on discussing . . . → Read More: Breast Cancer Awareness Month Twitter Chat – October 23, 2012


US and UK Healthcare Systems Should Learn From Each Other, Experts Conclude

In a health policy paper published on October 11, 2012 in The Lancet medical journal, US and UK experts on healthcare policy who co-authored the article conclude that, even though the US and UK healthcare systems are often thought . . . → Read More: US and UK Healthcare Systems Should Learn From Each Other, Experts Conclude


Find Out What Medicare Covers, on Medicare.gov

On its website, Medicare.gov, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides links to comprehensive information on what Medicare covers under each of its different Parts. Here are links to Medicare coverage information, as provided on Medicare.gov: . . . → Read More: Find Out What Medicare Covers, on Medicare.gov


Signs That a Headache Could be Dangerous, Featured in Johns Hopkins Health Alert

In a Health Alert published October 17, 2012 by Johns Hopkins, Peter Goadsby, M.D., Ph.D., a neurologist who is director of the Headache Center at the University of California at San Francisco, lists some of the signs and symptoms . . . → Read More: Signs That a Headache Could be Dangerous, Featured in Johns Hopkins Health Alert


Social Security Benefits Will Increase by 1.7% in 2013, SSA Announces

The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) announced today that Social Security benefits will increase by 1.7% in 2013, as a result of a cost-of-living adjustment. The 1.7% increase will benefit nearly 62 million Americans receiving Social Security or Supplemental . . . → Read More: Social Security Benefits Will Increase by 1.7% in 2013, SSA Announces


Expanded Recalls of Peanuts and Peanut Butter Products - Linked to Multi-State Outbreak of Salmonella Infections

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced an expanded investigation of a multi-state outbreak of cases of Salmonella Bredeney infections. So far 35 cases have been reported . . . → Read More: Expanded Recalls of Peanuts and Peanut Butter Products – Linked to Multi-State Outbreak of Salmonella Infections


Thank a Caregiver Week, Nov. 4-10, Sponsored by National Parkinson Foundation

The National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) has announced that, as part of observing National Family Caregivers Month in November, it will for the first time sponsor Thank a Caregiver Week during the week of November 4 through 10, 2012. “Caring . . . → Read More: Thank a Caregiver Week, Nov. 4-10, Sponsored by National Parkinson Foundation


Medicare Open Enrollment Runs From October 15 Through December 7, 2012

The Medicare Open Enrollment period runs from October 15 through December 7, 2012, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Friday. This is the period when . . . → Read More: Medicare Open Enrollment Runs From October 15 Through December 7, 2012


Recall of Select Packages of Kellogg's Mini-Wheats -- Frosted and Unfrosted

On October 8, 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Kellogg initiated a voluntary recall of certain packages of  Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats. In a news release posted by the FDA, Kellogg stated that the recall was . . . → Read More: Recall of Select Packages of Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats — Frosted and Unfrosted


The FDA's Role in Reviewing the Safety & Efficacy of Dietary Supplements

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes clear that it does not conduct a pre-market review of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are not approved by the government for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed. However, Vasilios H. . . . → Read More: The FDA’s Role in Reviewing the Safety & Efficacy of Dietary Supplements


What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements

According to The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Unlike drugs, supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases.” That means supplements should not make claims, such as reduces ‘arthritic pain’ or ‘treats heart disease.’ Claims . . . → Read More: What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements


Harvard Health Publishes Report on Strength and Power Training: A guide for adults of all ages

According to a special health report issued by Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School, “Sarcopenia—the gradual decrease in muscle tissue—starts at around age 30, [and] the average 30-year-old can expect to lose about 25% of muscle mass and . . . → Read More: Harvard Health Publishes Report on Strength and Power Training: A guide for adults of all ages


Mental Health Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day Educate About Depression

October 7-13 has been declared “Mental Illness Awareness Week” in the U.S.  This annual health observance to raise mental illness awareness was declared by an Act of Congress in 1990, to occur in the first full week of October . . . → Read More: Mental Health Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day Educate About Depression


In Debate, Obama and Romney Clarify Positions on Medicare, Medicaid & Healthcare

So far, much of the punditry and commentary following the first U.S. Presidential Debate, which took place Wednesday, October 3 in Denver, has focused on the style, optics, and mannerisms of the candidates — not on the substance of . . . → Read More: In Debate, Obama and Romney Clarify Positions on Medicare, Medicaid & Healthcare


TSA Provides Helpline for Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions

A new update on the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website announces and provides information about a new Helpline called “TSA Cares” that will be provided by the TSA to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. According to . . . → Read More: TSA Provides Helpline for Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions


New Program to Improve Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents in 7 States Announced by Medicare

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced Thursday awards of funding to seven organizations selected to partner with CMS and 145 nursing homes in seven different states in a new pilot program aimed at improving . . . → Read More: New Program to Improve Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents in 7 States Announced by Medicare


Secrets of Superagers: Loving to Live or Longevity Genes?

Why do some people live and maintain their zest for life well past 95? Is it a passion for life, or longevity genes? Watch a short video about the life of Dr. Harold Laufman, who served as professor of . . . → Read More: Secrets of Superagers: Loving to Live or Longevity Genes?


Perceived Stress Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds; Plus How to Handle Stress

A new analysis of studies involving 118,696 participants, conducted by Donald Edmundson, PhD, a professor at Columbia University Medical Center, and colleagues, has found that self-reported perceived stress was associated with a 27% higher risk of coronary heart disease . . . → Read More: Perceived Stress Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds; Plus How to Handle Stress


World Heart Day, September 29, Focuses on Prevention of Heart Disease

September 29 has been designated as “World Heart Day,” an annual health observance sponsored by the World Heart Federation. “This year in continuation from our 2011 World Heart Day theme of home heart health One World, One Home, One . . . → Read More: World Heart Day, September 29, Focuses on Prevention of Heart Disease


National Parkinson Foundation Offers Helpline for Patients and Families

The National Parkinson Foundation is offering a free telephone Helpline for Parkinson’s patients and their families. The Helpline at 1-800-4PD-INFO (1-800-473-4636), is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time. According to the National Parkinson . . . → Read More: National Parkinson Foundation Offers Helpline for Patients and Families


FDA Issues Scam Alert: Beware of Phone Scams from Bogus FDA Agents if You Have Bought Meds Online

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the following Bulletin on September 25, 2012: Scam Alert: Beware of Bogus FDA Agents “Hundreds of people who have purchased drugs over the Internet or via telephone have unwittingly exposed themselves . . . → Read More: FDA Issues Scam Alert: Beware of Phone Scams from Bogus FDA Agents if You Have Bought Meds Online


September 26 is National Women's Health & Fitness Day

September 26 has been designated as “National Women’s Health & Fitness Day,” an annual health observance sponsored and organized by the Health Information Resource Center, dedicated to promoting women’s health and fitness. The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), a . . . → Read More: September 26 is National Women’s Health & Fitness Day


Due to Affordable Care Act, People with Medicare will Save $5,000 to $18,000 through 2022, HHS Reports

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a new report on Friday, September 21, projecting that the average person with traditional Medicare will save $5,000 from 2010 to 2022 because of the Patient Protection and Affordable . . . → Read More: Due to Affordable Care Act, People with Medicare will Save $5,000 to $18,000 through 2022, HHS Reports


More than 50% Obesity in 39 States by 2030, New F as in Fat Report Projects

A new report issued September 18, 2012 projects that if current trends continue, in 39 U.S. States more than 50% of adults could be obese by 2030, 13 states could have adult obesity rates above 60 percent, and all . . . → Read More: More than 50% Obesity in 39 States by 2030, New F as in Fat Report Projects


Dental Health Key to Good Physical Health, Experts Say

“Did you know that your oral health can offer clues about your overall health? Or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body?” So says the Mayo Clinic. In a paper called “Oral Health: Keeping . . . → Read More: Dental Health Key to Good Physical Health, Experts Say


New Resources to Help Seniors & Those With Disabilities Stay Independent Provided under Affordable Care Act

Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius announced that $12.5 million in awards funded by the Affordable Care Act and the Older Americans Act will be made to local Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) to help . . . → Read More: New Resources to Help Seniors & Those With Disabilities Stay Independent Provided under Affordable Care Act


Is Stress at Work Adding to Your Stress as a Family Caregiver?

Feelings of stress commonly arise out of the challenges of being a family caregiver. And, managing caregiver stress is a huge part of proper caregiver self-care. But, if you are also working outside the home, is stress at work . . . → Read More: Is Stress at Work Adding to Your Stress as a Family Caregiver?


Eating Yogurt May Help Prevent High Blood Pressure, New Study Suggests

A new study that followed more than 2,000 participants over 15 years has found that eating more yogurt may help lower your risk of high blood pressure. The study, by Huifen Wang, PhD, of Tufts University in Boston, and . . . → Read More: Eating Yogurt May Help Prevent High Blood Pressure, New Study Suggests


FDA Analyzing Arsenic Found in Rice; Advises Consumers Eat a Balanced Diet of Multiple Grains

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Consumer Update on September 19, advising that as part of its regular sampling and testing of U.S. food products, the agency has found varying levels of inorganic arsenic in samples . . . → Read More: FDA Analyzing Arsenic Found in Rice; Advises Consumers Eat a Balanced Diet of Multiple Grains


In Hispanic Heritage Month HHS Reaffirms Commitment to Improving Health Care Access & Celebrates Progress Made under Affordable Care Act

On the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins September 15, Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius issued a Statement, reaffirming the commitment of HHS and the Obama Administration to reducing the disparities in health care access . . . → Read More: In Hispanic Heritage Month HHS Reaffirms Commitment to Improving Health Care Access & Celebrates Progress Made under Affordable Care Act


Exercise & Home Modification Most Effective to Prevent Falls in Seniors, New Study Finds

New research published September 12 in The Cochrane Library has found that of several fall-prevention methods studied, exercise including strength and balance training was most effective in reducing the risk of falling for seniors. Modifications of the home to . . . → Read More: Exercise & Home Modification Most Effective to Prevent Falls in Seniors, New Study Finds


Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals

President Obama’s health care law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – has saved Americans an estimated $2.1 Billion on health insurance premiums, according to a new report released September 11, 2012 by the U.S. Department of . . . → Read More: Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals


Oldest Gospel-Recording Artist

Edith Mama Randolph, the Oldest Gospel Recording Artist, was over 100 years old when she recorded “Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown?” She was 99 when she was approached about making an album. She sang without printed . . . → Read More: Oldest Gospel-Recording Artist


New Initiative to Help Americans Control Blood Pressure, CDC Teams with Pharmacists

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced a new initiative, called “Team Up. Pressure Down,” in which the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will team with pharmacists to help . . . → Read More: New Initiative to Help Americans Control Blood Pressure, CDC Teams with Pharmacists


Guinness World Record Holder for Oldest Yoga Teacher

93 Year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch is the world’s oldest yoga teacher. She says: 

”My doctor when he did the hip replacement said you won’t be able to do this, you won’t be able to do that. I said I don’t . . . → Read More: Guinness World Record Holder for Oldest Yoga Teacher


90-Year-Old World Record Holder in Pole Vault

Watch Dr. William Bell, world record holder in pole vault in his age group, clear 7 feet, 2 inches! Dr. Bell is 90 years old! He is the father of former Olympic Pole Vaulter, Earl Bell. In this video . . . → Read More: 90-Year-Old World Record Holder in Pole Vault


Healthy Aging® Month Focuses on Limitless Possibilities After Age 50

The month of September has been designated as Healthy Aging® Month, an annual health observance developed to help individuals think more positively about growing older, and take actions to promote their own physical, social, mental and financial well-being. The . . . → Read More: Healthy Aging® Month Focuses on Limitless Possibilities After Age 50


September Designated as Fruits and Veggies - More Matters Month

September has been designated as “Fruits and Veggies – More Matters Month,” an officially recognized National Health Observance, HealthFinder.gov, a website of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, announced. “Every September, Fruit and Veggies – More Matters . . . → Read More: September Designated as Fruits and Veggies – More Matters Month


New Study Shows Link Between Heart Disease & Chemical in Common Household Products

A new study has found an association between cardiovascular disease and exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a manmade chemical used in the manufacture of several common household products. The study of 1,216 individuals was conducted by Anoop Shankar, MD, . . . → Read More: New Study Shows Link Between Heart Disease & Chemical in Common Household Products


Dizziness & Balance Disorders Arise from Conditions Common with Aging, Experts Report

“More than 4 in 10 Americans will experience an episode of dizziness sometime during their lives that’s significant enough to send them to a doctor,” according to the August, 2012 issue of NIH News in Health, a monthly newsletter . . . → Read More: Dizziness & Balance Disorders Arise from Conditions Common with Aging, Experts Report


Medicare Announces Redesigned Website to Better Serve Medicare Beneficiaries & Their Families

The U.S. centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on August 21 that it has launched a redesign of its Medicare.gov website, in order to better serve Medicare Beneficiaries and their families. The redesign, CMS said, “mak[es] content . . . → Read More: Medicare Announces Redesigned Website to Better Serve Medicare Beneficiaries & Their Families


Labor Day News for Caregivers: Know Your Workplace Rights

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article was first published on HelpingYouCare™ on September 5, 2011. It remains relevant this Labor Day, and with some added links, we re-print it below: Recent reports have found that low-wage employees, in particular, are . . . → Read More: Labor Day News for Caregivers: Know Your Workplace Rights


Do You or Your Senior Loved One Qualify for Veterans Health Care Benefits?

“If you served in the active military, naval, or air service and were honorably discharged or released, you may qualify for VA health care benefits, including hospital services,” according to an e-mail announcement issued August 30 from USA.gov, the . . . → Read More: Do You or Your Senior Loved One Qualify for Veterans Health Care Benefits?


Studies Link Loneliness to Higher Risk of Death, Decline and Cardiovascular Disease

Two recent studies published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, have found loneliness to be associated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease, loss of independence, and death. However, the extent of association . . . → Read More: Studies Link Loneliness to Higher Risk of Death, Decline and Cardiovascular Disease


New Resources on Hospital to Home Transition Featured on National Library of Medicine Site

“Many older adults do not successfully make the transition home well and end up returning to the hospital. In fact, one in five Medicare patients are readmitted to a hospital within 30 days after discharge,” according to a new . . . → Read More: New Resources on Hospital to Home Transition Featured on National Library of Medicine Site


Cleveland Clinic Offers Free Health Talks

The Cleveland Clinic is offering a series of free community seminars on various health topics. Called “Health Talks,” these seminars will be held each month at the Cleveland Clinic’s main campus, and at several suburban Family Health Center locations. . . . → Read More: Cleveland Clinic Offers Free Health Talks


To Lose Weight, 30 Minutes of Daily Exercise as Good as 60 Minutes, New Study Finds

A new study published in the American Journal of Physiology has found that 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise training are as good as, and even slightly more effective than, 60 minutes to achieve the same loss of weight . . . → Read More: To Lose Weight, 30 Minutes of Daily Exercise as Good as 60 Minutes, New Study Finds


NIH Announces New 52-Week Mobile Health App for Women

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Research on Women’s Health, announced on Thursday that it is providing a new mobile health app for women that is available for free download to an iPhone, iPad or Android device. . . . → Read More: NIH Announces New 52-Week Mobile Health App for Women


Tropical Storm Isaac Puts Spotlight on Hurricane Preparedness

As Tropical Storm Isaac approaches Florida, with Hurricane warnings in effect for much of Florida’s West coast, government authorities are urging all citizens to prepare, and are focusing attention on government resources available to help you prepare for a . . . → Read More: Tropical Storm Isaac Puts Spotlight on Hurricane Preparedness


Salmonella Outbreak in 21 States Linked to Canteloupe Grown in Indiana

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has announced an outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium that has sickened 178 people, with two deaths reported, in 21 states. The CDC announced yesterday that cantaloupe originating from Chamberlain Farms Produce, . . . → Read More: Salmonella Outbreak in 21 States Linked to Canteloupe Grown in Indiana


HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President's Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced a new tool to help you find out how the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama’s signature Health Care Law – which some call “Obamacare”) is benefiting people . . . → Read More: HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President’s Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State


Free Webinar on Relationships & Parkinsons - August 23, 2012

The National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) is offering a Free Webinar about “Relationships and Parkinson’s” on Thursday, August 23 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Kara Barton, MSW, LCSW, from the University of Southern California, will discuss strategies for coping with changes . . . → Read More: Free Webinar on Relationships & Parkinsons – August 23, 2012


Under Obama's Health Care Law, Those on Medicare Have Saved $4.1 Billion in Prescription Costs + Recd Free Preventive Care, Medicare Announces

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a press release yesterday announcing that because of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama’s signature health care law), nearly 5.4 million seniors and people with disabilities who . . . → Read More: Under Obama’s Health Care Law, Those on Medicare Have Saved $4.1 Billion in Prescription Costs + Recd Free Preventive Care, Medicare Announces


Paul Ryan Takes Surprising Positions Against Women's Health & Reproductive Rights

Family caregivers — the vast majority of whom are women — may be surprised at the positions Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s choice for his running mate, has consistently taken on women’s health and reproductive rights issues. Recent news . . . → Read More: Paul Ryan Takes Surprising Positions Against Women’s Health & Reproductive Rights


What is Possible After Age 90?

What can you do after you reach the age of 90? The possibilities may be almost limitless. So demonstrate the many extraordinary people in their 90s and 100s who were featured by filmmaker Susan Polis Schutz in a documentary . . . → Read More: What is Possible After Age 90?


Johns Hopkins Health Alert Features 8 Key Strategies to Protect Your Memory

A new Health Alert published by Johns Hopkins Medicine features 8 key strategies that the Johns Hopkins experts say can help preserve your memory and brain health. The Health Alert, entitled “How to Protect Your Memory and Brain Health,” . . . → Read More: Johns Hopkins Health Alert Features 8 Key Strategies to Protect Your Memory


Ryan-Romney Budget Proposals Would End Medicare as We Know It & Cut or Eliminate Programs for Poor, Elderly & Vulnerable

By selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, former Governor and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney has taken action that backs up and gives teeth to his previous endorsements of the Ryan Budget Plan and his promise to sign it . . . → Read More: Ryan-Romney Budget Proposals Would End Medicare as We Know It & Cut or Eliminate Programs for Poor, Elderly & Vulnerable


People on Medicare Can Now Get Information from Pharmacies about New Benefits Available to Them under Affordable Care Act, HHS Announces

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today that it has formed partnerships with several pharmacies to help inform and educate seniors and others on Medicare about the several new benefits that are made available to . . . → Read More: People on Medicare Can Now Get Information from Pharmacies about New Benefits Available to Them under Affordable Care Act, HHS Announces


Parkinson Moving Day Miami Oct 7 - Lunch for Team Captains Aug 28

Parkinson Moving Day® – Miami will take place on October 7, 2012, starting at 8:30 a.m. in Bayfront Park, Miami. The nonprofit National Parkinson Foundation, the organizer, has announced that it is seeking Team Captains, and invites you to . . . → Read More: Parkinson Moving Day Miami Oct 7 – Lunch for Team Captains Aug 28


People on Medicare Report Significantly Better Coverage than Those with Private Health Insurance, Study Finds

A recent study published in the journal HealthAffairs found that people on Medicare were substantially happier with their coverage and reported significantly fewer cost and access-related problems than those with private employer-sponsored health insurance or “Medicare Advantage” plans offered . . . → Read More: People on Medicare Report Significantly Better Coverage than Those with Private Health Insurance, Study Finds


Harvard Health Updates Report on Foot Care Basics - Preventing and Treating Common Foot Conditions

Harvard Health Publications has issued a newly revised Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School on “Foot Care Basics: Preventing and treating common foot conditions.” “Three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in their . . . → Read More: Harvard Health Updates Report on Foot Care Basics – Preventing and Treating Common Foot Conditions


HUD Offers Tools to Find Affordable Housing for Seniors

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced on Friday, that it provides a number of finder tools and other resources to help find affordable housing for seniors and people with disabilities. Following is a copy of . . . → Read More: HUD Offers Tools to Find Affordable Housing for Seniors


Alex Nastaskin is Competitive Champion in Ballroom Dance

Arkade (“Alex”) Nastaskin, performing with his instructor, international ballroom dance professional Liene Di Lorenzo, wowed the crowd with an impressive International Tango and Slow Foxtrot at the Goldcoast Ballroom Showcase on July 10, 2012 (videos below). At the Florida . . . → Read More: Alex Nastaskin is Competitive Champion in Ballroom Dance


CDC Reports More Americans Are Walking, But Not Enough - Exercise Termed Wonder Drug

A new VitalSigns Report issued August 7 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) found that Sixty-two percent of adults reported walking at least once for 10 minutes or more in the previous week in 2010, . . . → Read More: CDC Reports More Americans Are Walking, But Not Enough – Exercise Termed Wonder Drug


No Increase in Medicare Prescription Drug Premium for 2013 - Third Straight Year of No Increase - HHS Announces

In a news release issued August 6, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced that the basic premiums for Medicare prescription drug plans are projected to remain constant in 2013, at an average of $30 per . . . → Read More: No Increase in Medicare Prescription Drug Premium for 2013 – Third Straight Year of No Increase – HHS Announces


The Tigerettes - Winning Basketball Team at Ages 65 to 75

The Louisiana Tigerettes, a winning women’s basketball team, is proving how effective exercise can be in keeping you young. The Tigerettes have an impressive record of 195 wins and only 5 losses, and they have earned seven gold medals . . . → Read More: The Tigerettes – Winning Basketball Team at Ages 65 to 75


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