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Wellness: Overall Tips & Advice

Aging Well: Unlearning and Avoiding Ergonomic Injuries

Poor body use may interfere with the way the body functions in circulation, mobility and respiration. Some have found the Alexander Technique helpful in overcoming aches and pains. To those looking for a medical alternative, finding a good, reputable . . . → Read More: Aging Well: Unlearning and Avoiding Ergonomic Injuries


HHS Text4Health Task Force Recommends Health Text Messaging Initiatives

On Monday, September 19, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced new recommendations of its Text4Health Task Force as well as other initiatives to support health text messaging and encourage development of mobile health (mHealth) programs. . . . → Read More: HHS Text4Health Task Force Recommends Health Text Messaging Initiatives


Harvard Proposes Its Own Healthy Eating Plate Instead of USDA's MyPlate

On Wednesday, September 14, Harvard Health Publications revealed a new Healthy Eating Plate icon developed by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health with Harvard Health Publications, which the Harvard scientists say is intended to provide a simple . . . → Read More: Harvard Proposes Its Own Healthy Eating Plate Instead of USDA’s MyPlate


No Drug as Good as Walking

Four lifestyle choices (tobacco, unmanaged stress, physical inactivity, and poor food choices) account for why Americans spent last year over 16% of GDP (all goods and services we produce) on healthcare. Americans have twice the rate of all chronic . . . → Read More: No Drug as Good as Walking


How Not To Forget

They say the average person forgets about one third of what he’s heard after 20 minutes and half of what he’s heard within a half hour. Here are some helpful tips on improving one’s memory: Watch Gary Small,Professor of . . . → Read More: How Not To Forget


Medicare Recommends Coverage of Seniors for Intense Obesity Counseling

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed Decision Memorandum on August 31, 2011, recommending that seniors who have Medicare Part A or Part B should be covered for an obesity screening, dietary assessment, and, . . . → Read More: Medicare Recommends Coverage of Seniors for Intense Obesity Counseling


Find Walking Paths in Your Area Via StartWalkingNow, Campaign of American Heart Association

To help Americans build healthy lifestyles and incorporate walking exercise into their daily schedules, the American Heart Association has launched a StartWalkingNow campaign, via its website: interactive tool on the StartWalkingNow.org website or via an application that can be . . . → Read More: Find Walking Paths in Your Area Via StartWalkingNow, Campaign of American Heart Association


New Trend: Hospital Care At Home? Study Finds Home X-Rays Beneficial for Elderly

At a time of widely reported rising risks from widespread hospital errors and hospital-acquired infections, doctors in Italy have conducted a pilot study that showed that at least some hospital care (routine X-rays) can better be delivered to elderly . . . → Read More: New Trend: Hospital Care At Home? Study Finds Home X-Rays Beneficial for Elderly


The Obesity Epidemic: What it Means for America & What Can Be Done About It

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), as part of its StreamingHealth video series, has recently produced a video examining the obesity epidemic in America, what has caused it, what it means for the U.S., and what . . . → Read More: The Obesity Epidemic: What it Means for America & What Can Be Done About It


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Bad for You?

A recent study conducted by Dr. Edward List, a scientist at Ohio University, and colleagues found that yo-yo dieting (repeatedly gaining and losing weight) “was indeed healthier than remaining obese.” The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) . . . → Read More: Is Yo-Yo Dieting Bad for You?


Study Finds Medical History Key to Correct Diagnosis

A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, found that patients’ medical history “emerged as the key element in formulating correct diagnosis” of medical conditions. This obviously has important implications . . . → Read More: Study Finds Medical History Key to Correct Diagnosis


How To Exercise Your Way to Good Health

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has launched Go4Life — an exercise and physical activity campaign designed to help older adults fit exercise and physical activity into their daily lives, to . . . → Read More: How To Exercise Your Way to Good Health


Healthy Aging Tips

See some healthy aging tips from Registered Dietitian Marianne Smith Edge MS, RD,LD, FADA, Senior Vice President, Nutrition & Food Safety, International Food Information Council (IFIC) and IFIC Foundation » Also visit the associated website FoodInsight.org a nutrition and . . . → Read More: Healthy Aging Tips


Is Heart Disease Genetic?

Can risk factors of heart disease be modified? The common myths regarding heart disease are dispelled by Dr. Curtis Rimmerman, cardiologist and author of “The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Speaking With Your Cardiologist.” . . . → Read More: Is Heart Disease Genetic?


Optimism Lowers Risk of Stroke, Study Finds

A new study by researchers at the University of Michigan has found that higher optimism was associated with lower risk of stroke among a study sample of 6,044 adults age 50 and over, who were followed for 2 years. . . . → Read More: Optimism Lowers Risk of Stroke, Study Finds


Half of Alzheimer's Cases Attributable to 7 Risk Factors Preventable by Lifestyle Changes, Study Finds

A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, has concluded that up to half of Alzheimer’s cases worldwide and in the US may be attributable to seven risk factors that are potentially preventable through simple . . . → Read More: Half of Alzheimer’s Cases Attributable to 7 Risk Factors Preventable by Lifestyle Changes, Study Finds


HHS Announced 8 Winners of the 2011 Healthy Living Innovation Awards

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release on July 15, 2011, announcing the winners of the 2011 Healthy Living Innovation Awards, an awards program that highlights innovative health promotion projects, focusing on wellness, . . . → Read More: HHS Announced 8 Winners of the 2011 Healthy Living Innovation Awards


Overall Health May Predict Dementia Risk Better Than Previously Identified Risk Factors

A new study of data on 7,239 Canadian adults aged 65 and older has found that overall health, measured by a combination of health factors not traditionally associated with dementia, such as denture fit, vision, hearing, and 16 others, . . . → Read More: Overall Health May Predict Dementia Risk Better Than Previously Identified Risk Factors


New Report Shows Americans Getting Fatter; Serious Health & Policy Concerns

A new report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2011, from the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), shows that 68% of Americans are either overweight or obese, and adult . . . → Read More: New Report Shows Americans Getting Fatter; Serious Health & Policy Concerns


How To Stay Healthy On A Cruise

Concerned about seasickness or cruise ship outbreaks of norovirus? Watch these videos for some helpful tips for a safe and healthy cruise vacation from the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease (NCEZID)» CDC Video Player. Flash Player . . . → Read More: How To Stay Healthy On A Cruise


Automated Motivational Text Messages Help Stop Smoking

A new UK study has found that smokers who participated in an smoking cessation program called “text2stop” which was delivered by automated mobile phone text messages achieved continuous abstinence at 6 months at twice the rate of a control . . . → Read More: Automated Motivational Text Messages Help Stop Smoking


June is National Prevention and Wellness Month

This June has been declared the first ever National Prevention and Wellness Month. As explained in a release issued Monday, June 20 by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), this is part of an initiative, sparked . . . → Read More: June is National Prevention and Wellness Month


Why Some Doctors Dance

Cleveland Clinic Dr. Elaine Wyllie, Director of Pediatric Neurology, and Dr. Robert Wyllie, Chairman of the Pediatric Institute and Children’s Hospital, took up ballroom dancing to help them stay in shape. Some other benefits of ballroom dancing, according to . . . → Read More: Why Some Doctors Dance


TV Viewing Linked to Higher Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease & Death

A new study has found a correlation between every two additional hours of television viewing per day and an increase in risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and death. The study, by researchers from Harvard School of Public . . . → Read More: TV Viewing Linked to Higher Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease & Death


National Prevention Strategy Released June 16 Under Affordable Care Act

On June 16, 2011, the Surgeon General of the U.S. along with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and members of the National Prevention Council, announced the release of the National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy, . . . → Read More: National Prevention Strategy Released June 16 Under Affordable Care Act


Under Affordable Care Act, Preventive Services Now Free to Medicare Beneficiaries

Under the Affordable Care Act, since January 1, 2011, beneficiaries of Original Medicare no longer have to pay out-of-pocket costs for a “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam, and an annual preventive/ wellness visit with a participating physician is also . . . → Read More: Under Affordable Care Act, Preventive Services Now Free to Medicare Beneficiaries


The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies

The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies: What to Do For The Most Common Health Problems provides do-it-yourself home remedies for common ailments. Many have recommended this practical book. These home remedies recommended by the Mayo Clinic for some . . . → Read More: The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies


Are You At Risk for Type 2 (Adult-Onset) Diabetes?

If you have a family history of diabetes, are obese, are over age 45 and get little or no exercise, or belong to certain racial or ethnic groups you may be at risk. Take a simple quiz provided by . . . → Read More: Are You At Risk for Type 2 (Adult-Onset) Diabetes?


How To Prevent Osteoporosis

Some practical tips for good bone health including advice on traditional calcium sources, weight-bearing activity, plant-based foods, and an overall healthy diet. Watch Cleveland Clinic’s Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS,RD,LD, Wellness Manager for the Lifestyle 180 . . . → Read More: How To Prevent Osteoporosis


How To Protect Your Brainpower Through Lifestyle Changes

European researchers have found cardiovascular health is related to mental wellness–that cardiovascular disease or the narrowing of blood vessels to the brain causes vascular dementia. Fortunately, it may not be too late to make some lifestyle changes! Read  “6 . . . → Read More: How To Protect Your Brainpower Through Lifestyle Changes


March is National Nutrition Month

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? This is the month to focus on learning and implementing good nutrition and healthy eating habits for life, as a most important step toward prevention of disease and living a . . . → Read More: March is National Nutrition Month


Coordinating Care for Caregivers

Watch Dr. Ronan Factora from the Cleveland Clinic Discovery Health video»


Four Things You Can Do to Prevent a Heart Attack

Watch Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, to learn four simple lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your chances of getting a heart attack by 40%. No treatment or other thing you could do will lower your . . . → Read More: Four Things You Can Do to Prevent a Heart Attack


Preventing millions of cancers with simple life changes

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) estimates that about a third of all common cancers in the United States, China and Britain could be prevented each year if people ate healthier . . . → Read More: Preventing millions of cancers with simple life changes



From the Broward Health Library “People can become obese by taking in more calories than they burn. Obesity also appears to be influenced by genetics. This video discusses the health risks associated with obesity and what treatment and lifestyle . . . → Read More: Obesity


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