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On Health Care Reform


Some Helpful Advice About Recurring Colds

Dr. Rosemary Leonard, a familiar face on BBC’s Breakfast program and one of Britain’s best-known GPs answers a question on recurring . . . → Read More: Some Helpful Advice About Recurring Colds


Aging Well: Unlearning and Avoiding Ergonomic Injuries

Poor body use may interfere with the way the body functions in circulation, mobility and respiration. Some have found the Alexander Technique helpful in overcoming aches and pains. To those looking for a medical alternative, finding a good, reputable . . . → Read More: Aging Well: Unlearning and Avoiding Ergonomic Injuries


New AHRQ Initiative: Questions are the Answer For Better Doctor-Patient Communication

On Tuesday, September 20, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS), along with the Ad Council, a non-profit organization, launched a new Questions are the Answer initiative . . . → Read More: New AHRQ Initiative: Questions are the Answer For Better Doctor-Patient Communication


American Red Cross Offers Free Family Caregiver Classes

The American Red Cross is sponsoring a series of Classes for Family caregivers, which include eight one-hour modules of instruction on topics intended “to help participants gain an understanding of what is involved in caring for a loved one.” . . . → Read More: American Red Cross Offers Free Family Caregiver Classes


90-Year-Old Tap Dancer

90-Year-Old tap dancer, Bonnie Buchner performs on the CBS show “Live to Dance.” . . . → Read More: 90-Year-Old Tap Dancer


Food as Preventive Medicine

A Johns Hopkins expert explains how eating the right foods can keep you healthy. Watch nutritionist Lynda . . . → Read More: Food as Preventive Medicine


No Drug as Good as Walking

Four lifestyle choices (tobacco, unmanaged stress, physical inactivity, and poor food choices) account for why Americans spent last year over 16% of GDP (all goods and services we produce) on healthcare. Americans have twice the rate of all chronic . . . → Read More: No Drug as Good as Walking


How Not To Forget

They say the average person forgets about one third of what he’s heard after 20 minutes and half of what he’s heard within a half hour. Here are some helpful tips on improving one’s memory: Watch Gary Small,Professor of . . . → Read More: How Not To Forget


The Obesity Epidemic: What it Means for America & What Can Be Done About It

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), as part of its StreamingHealth video series, has recently produced a video examining the obesity epidemic in America, what has caused it, what it means for the U.S., and what . . . → Read More: The Obesity Epidemic: What it Means for America & What Can Be Done About It


Is Heart Disease Completely Preventable?

Watch Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. from the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute on CNN discuss making yourself heart-attack proof by a going on a special diet that deals with the cause of the illness »


Some Foods That Reduce Stress

Vitamin C can help reduce stress and return blood pressure to normal levels, according to a German Study. See what other foods have the same benefits. Watch Carolyn Snyder, registered dietitian at the Cleveland . . . → Read More: Some Foods That Reduce Stress


Today 61-Year-Old Diana Nyad Begins Her 103-Mile Swim

It will take Diana Nyad an estimated 60 hours to complete the swim between Cuba and Florida. More medical experts believe even people in their eighties can build significant muscle strength in weeks. “We used to think there was . . . → Read More: Today 61-Year-Old Diana Nyad Begins Her 103-Mile Swim


Healthy Aging Tips

See some healthy aging tips from Registered Dietitian Marianne Smith Edge MS, RD,LD, FADA, Senior Vice President, Nutrition & Food Safety, International Food Information Council (IFIC) and IFIC Foundation » Also visit the associated website FoodInsight.org a nutrition and . . . → Read More: Healthy Aging Tips


Table Tennis Therapy

The Sport and Art Educational Foundation founded the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Table Tennis Program in 2007. Considered to be one of the world’s best brain sports, table tennis is now recommended as a method of warding off Alzheimer’s and . . . → Read More: Table Tennis Therapy


Arthur Winston, Employee Of The Century, Lived To Be 100

According to the United States Department of Labor, Arthur Winston was the most reliable worker ever chronicled. He was awarded the “Employee Of The Century” citation by the President of the U.S. in 1996.  He was absent only one . . . → Read More: Arthur Winston, Employee Of The Century, Lived To Be 100


Some Healthy Tips For Dining Out

See some tips for dining out from the Cleveland Clinic in week #6 of their 15-week walking plan»


Loving Life And Over 90

Watch a segment of a PBS documentary, featuring people 90 plus living extraordinary and passionate lives, by filmmaker Susan Polis . . . → Read More: Loving Life And Over 90


A Healthy Body and Mind at 98-Years Old

A 98-year-old Japanese man’s story of how he keeps physically and mentally fit. Watch an excerpt from the PBS documentary “The Art of . . . → Read More: A Healthy Body and Mind at 98-Years Old


Laughter Found to Create Health Benefits Similar to Those of Exercise

Several scientific studies have found that laughter and a sense of humor produce many health benefits, some similar to those derived from exercise. Studies by Loma Linda University Schools of Allied Health and Medicine According to studies conducted by . . . → Read More: Laughter Found to Create Health Benefits Similar to Those of Exercise


How To Save On The Cost Of Prescription Drugs

Some tips from Medicare.gov on buying generic drugs and entering a discount prescription program. Click 10 ways to reduce your drug costs» See also the ABC Diane Sawuer News Video report on how to cut the cost of . . . → Read More: How To Save On The Cost Of Prescription Drugs


Healthy Sounding Labels Are Not Always Low In Sodium!

According to doctors, too much sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney stones, and osteoporosis. Watch Consumer Reports nutritionists find healthier . . . → Read More: Healthy Sounding Labels Are Not Always Low In Sodium!


100-Year-Old Table Tennis Star

Australian centenarian Dorothy de Low, at the 15th World Veterans Table Tennis Championships 2010 in China, wows the crowd. Watch from . . . → Read More: 100-Year-Old Table Tennis Star


Some Basic Tips On Cooking For The Elderly

Meals high in fluid content avoid dehydration when cooking for the elderly. Watch Christine Marquette, a registered and licensed dietitian with the Austin Regional Clinic in Austin, . . . → Read More: Some Basic Tips On Cooking For The Elderly


A 240-Calorie Heart-Healthy Recipe

Watch Julia Zumpano, Clinical Dietician, Preventive Cardiology & Rehabilitation, from the Cleveland Clinic, along with Donna Setta, Executive Chef of AVI Foods, prepare a Salmon recipe»


A Healthy Diet That Doesn't Count Calories

The Mayo Clinic Diet is a lifestyle that helps you maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime. It’s a sensible, habit–based approach to food that involves breaking unhealthy habits and adopting healthy new ones. Watch Dr. Donald Hensrud, The . . . → Read More: A Healthy Diet That Doesn’t Count Calories


How To Prevent Osteoporosis

Some practical tips for good bone health including advice on traditional calcium sources, weight-bearing activity, plant-based foods, and an overall healthy diet. Watch Cleveland Clinic’s Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS,RD,LD, Wellness Manager for the Lifestyle 180 . . . → Read More: How To Prevent Osteoporosis


Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Vitamins

Do vitamins and supplements lower your risk of cardiovascular disease? Some frequently asked questions answered by Leslie Cho, M.D. Director of the Women’s Cardiovascular Center of the Cleveland Clinic. Watch»


The Best Anti-Aging Treatment

How to turn back the time on the inside as well as the outside How to lower your blood pressure How to keep limber, have good bones, and eliminate stress How to keep your mind sharp Watch Dr. . . . → Read More: The Best Anti-Aging Treatment


Age Is Just A Number!

81 year old Salsa dancer. Watch it past the 2 minute mark for quite a surprise » Click to Watch this Video on . . . → Read More: Age Is Just A Number!


Ways To Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Did you know walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, combined with a moderate weight loss, can lower one’s risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 58%? Watch Dr.Raul Seballos from the Cleveland . . . → Read More: Ways To Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk


Benefits Of Physically Fit Older Adults

Studies shows physical activity reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and delays the onset of Alzheimer’s. Watch VOA’s Carol Pearson report»


Coordinating Care for Caregivers

Watch Dr. Ronan Factora from the Cleveland Clinic Discovery Health video»


True Secrets to Heart-Healthy Eating

Julia Zumpano, R.D. from the Cleveland Clinic discusses fad diets and the best way to protect one’s heart without counting calories. Watch»


Good news about broccoli in your diet and reducing the risk of cancer!

First the bad news. Researches found one would have to eat 2 lbs of broccoli a week to reduce the risk of cancer by 50%! In 1992, scientists from John Hopkins found a phyto-chemical in broccoli which reduces the . . . → Read More: Good news about broccoli in your diet and reducing the risk of cancer!


Stay healthy by taking a vacation

Watch a short video on why taking a vacation is healthy, and which cities put work before health and health before work» Video by Discovery Health, in partnership with Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Allen Weiss, a family medicine . . . → Read More: Stay healthy by taking a vacation


Four Things You Can Do to Prevent a Heart Attack

Watch Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, to learn four simple lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your chances of getting a heart attack by 40%. No treatment or other thing you could do will lower your . . . → Read More: Four Things You Can Do to Prevent a Heart Attack


Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head

A CWOT (complete waste of time)–but fun »


A 15-Week Walking Plan (Weeks 1 through 5)

Make a Walking Plan. See this series of Videos from the Cleveland Clinic, and learn the great health benefits of walking, how to do it properly, and how to keep motivated. Weeks 1 through 5 of the 15 week . . . → Read More: A 15-Week Walking Plan (Weeks 1 through 5)


Healthy Dining Out Tips

Week 6 of the Walking For Life (15 Week Walking Plan) from the Cleveland Clinic. In this Video, Dr. Gordon Blackburn of the Cleveland Clinic gives tips about how to enjoy dining out and stay healthy – part of . . . → Read More: Healthy Dining Out Tips


Video Introduction to Important Federal Government Resources for Caregivers & Seniors

This Video produced by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Resources provides a good introduction to the many federal government resources available to family caregivers and . . . → Read More: Video Introduction to Important Federal Government Resources for Caregivers & Seniors


New Medicare Benefits in 2011 under the Health Reform Law

Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services, has released a new Video explaining the new benefits that the Affordable Care Act (the Health Reform Law) provides in 2011 for people on . . . → Read More: New Medicare Benefits in 2011 under the Health Reform Law


NIHSeniorHealth: Videos on Senior Health, Medical and Wellness Topics

A collection of multiple videos on over 36 different medical conditions and related topics, presented by the National Institutes of Health, SeniorHealth Website. This is an excellent resource for basic information on most common medical conditions faced by seniors, . . . → Read More: NIHSeniorHealth: Videos on Senior Health, Medical and Wellness Topics


Pet Therapy Helps Seniors

Being in the presence of pets has been shown to promote physical and emotional health. Video from 5min.com (5 min Life Videopedia)» Therapy Dog for Seniors . . . → Read More: Pet Therapy Helps Seniors


One Minute Diet Improvement Video

Watch this one-minute Video for some key diet tips on how to improve your diet from Julia Zumpano, Registered Dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic. Learn what you should increase, decrease, or add to your diet. . . . → Read More: One Minute Diet Improvement Video


Viral Happiness: How To Reach 7 Million People When You’re 90 Something!

Laughter can be contagious.  Here’s a couple, Marlow & Frances Cowan, married 62 years, spreading a good kind of happy contagion at the Mayo Clinic. They say that “laughter, love and The Lord” have kept them young. This Video . . . → Read More: Viral Happiness: How To Reach 7 Million People When You’re 90 Something!


Family Caregivers Online Education Modules

Sixteen different online education/ course modules for family caregivers are provided free of charge by familycaregiversonline.net, a website funded by . . . → Read More: Family Caregivers Online Education Modules


Webinar on The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Family Caregivers

On November 8, 2010, the Family Caregiver Alliance, the National Alliance for Caregiving, and the National Family Caregivers Association hosted a webinar entitled “The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Family Caregivers.”  The archived webinar and power point are can . . . → Read More: Webinar on The Impact of Healthcare Reform on Family Caregivers


Radiation Risks from CT Scans

Enlightening Video: Radiation exposure from CT Scans can vary up to six fold between different CT Scan providers. Up to now CT Scan radiation has not been regulated. Watch video . . . → Read More: Radiation Risks from CT Scans


Making the Bathroom Safer for Your Elderly Parent

Watch this video for good tips on how to make the bathroom safer for your elderly parent or other elderly loved . . . → Read More: Making the Bathroom Safer for Your Elderly Parent


Eat Healthy and Live Longer

Studies have shown a correlation between longevity and a healthy diet. See this new video, Eat Healthy and Live Longer,  by HealthDay, featured on MedLine Plus, the website of the U.S. Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human . . . → Read More: Eat Healthy and Live Longer


Humor from the Elderly: A Reminder that Laughter is the Best Medicine

This video comes from a website called CaregiverStress.com and is a 7 minute video of some humor from the . . . → Read More: Humor from the Elderly: A Reminder that Laughter is the Best Medicine


Podcast: Caregiving tips for Alzheimer’s disease

Podcast from the Mayo Clinic Dr. Glenn Smith, a Mayo Clinic neuropsychologist, who specializes in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, gives caregiving tips on how to deal with the challenges of difficult issues faced by seniors. Listen»


Alzheimer’s Association – Classes & Workshops

The Alzheimer’s Association offers classes and courses on many aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease and caregiving for Alzheimer’s patients. The classes are offered at a nominal fee, and are held locally in many different cities where the Alzheimer’s Association is . . . → Read More: Alzheimer’s Association – Classes & Workshops


Video Lecture Series on Helping Seniors with Finances: Financing Options for Care

Video Series Published by MetaCafe; Lecturer: certified senior advisor Mary Alexander from Home Instead Senior Care. The publisher indicates that this video series teaches you how to help your senior loved one manage his/her finances and prevent him/her from . . . → Read More: Video Lecture Series on Helping Seniors with Finances: Financing Options for Care


Dr. Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture)

Dr. Randy Pausch Inspirational SpeechThe Last Lecture. …Uploaded by kaizen786. – Discover more webcam videos and video blogs.


A Helpful Caregiving Video Site

A free web resource containing instructional videos on a comprehensive array of subjects for caregivers, produced by Terra Nova Films of Chicago, Illinois, with an advisory panel including representatives from the Family Caregiver Alliance, the U.S. Administration on Aging, . . . → Read More: A Helpful Caregiving Video Site


Caregiving College Online

While geared to the training of profession caregivers, many individuals may find it helpful to develop skills with online training. Look into>>>


Coping with Caregiving

National Radio Show Features Talk on a variety of topics of help to caregivers Listen>>>


Top 10 Tips for Taking an Elderly Parent to the Emergency Department

Video lecture on “Top 10 Tips for Taking an Elderly Parent to the Emergency Department,” presented by Malika Fair, MD, of EmergencyCareForYou.org.


Support for Caregivers of Older Adults

From Alberta Caregiver College Audio and visual information on the following topics: Advance Directives Behavioural Changes Blood Pressure – Sudden Drop When Standing Caregiver Coping and Stress Community Supports and Healthcare Resources Delirium (Acute Confusion) Dementia Depression Digestive Problems . . . → Read More: Support for Caregivers of Older Adults


Hypertension & Angina – Webinar

Webinar (downloadable PDF of Slides combined with a downloadable audio track), presented by the Visiting Nurse Association of America (VNAA) for its home health care nurses. Contains much information that may be valuable for the family caregiver for a . . . → Read More: Hypertension & Angina – Webinar


Cholesterol Screening

From the Broward Health Library: “Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones and to keep your cells healthy. Cholesterol comes from two sources: your liver and your diet. However, if your diet exceeds the body’s need for cholesterol or . . . → Read More: Cholesterol Screening



From the Broward Health Library “People can become obese by taking in more calories than they burn. Obesity also appears to be influenced by genetics. This video discusses the health risks associated with obesity and what treatment and lifestyle . . . → Read More: Obesity



From the Broward Health Library A 4-minute video on Pre-Diabetes “The good news is, with healthy lifestyle changes, you can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Take action; watch this video to find out more about . . . → Read More: Pre-Diabetes


Caregiver Classes

Sponsored by the University of Chicago Memory Center Dementia – What it is and What it isn’t; Stages and Symptoms of Dementing Diseases; Behavior Problems; Community Services for the Caregiver; Caring for the Caregiver Read More »»»


CaringTube™ Editors’ Picks: Videos on Alzheimer’s Caregiving

For caregivers of elderly loved ones with Alzheimer’s, we suggest the following series of videos on Alzheimer’s caregiving, produced by LifeView Resources: The Family Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease: Volume 1 Understanding Alzheimer’s from LifeView Resources on Vimeo. The Family . . . → Read More: CaringTube™ Editors’ Picks: Videos on Alzheimer’s Caregiving


CaringTube™ Editors’ Picks: Videos on Wellness

We suggest the following videos on Wellness: On Exercise for Seniors: Senior Core Balance and Strength, Show 1.10 from Princeton Community Television on Vimeo. Senior Core Balance and Strength, Show 2.10 from Princeton Community Television on Vimeo. Senior Core . . . → Read More: CaringTube™ Editors’ Picks: Videos on Wellness


Eating for Health – Video by NIH Senior Health

New Video on healthy eating released by the National Institutes of Health; Senior Health.  It makse the point that many of the common diseases of aging, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, can be controlled, delayed . . . → Read More: Eating for Health – Video by NIH Senior Health


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