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HealthCare.gov Met Repair Goals On Time, US Dept of Health & Human Services Announces

In a report issued December 1, 2013, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) said that the ongoing repairs to the HealthCare.gov website met the Administration’s goals, and the site is now working properly for the vast . . . → Read More: HealthCare.gov Met Repair Goals On Time, US Dept of Health & Human Services Announces


Enrollment for New Health Insurance Exchanges Begins on Oct 1, 2013; HealthCare.gov Updated to Help Consumers Prepare

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced on June 24 that open enrollment for the new federally-run health insurance exchange (called the “Health Insurance Marketplace”) being implemented under the Health Care Law, will begin October 1, . . . → Read More: Enrollment for New Health Insurance Exchanges Begins on Oct 1, 2013; HealthCare.gov Updated to Help Consumers Prepare


35 More Medical Conditions Fast-Tracked for Disability Benefits, Social Security Announces

The Social Security Administration (SSA) on December 6 issued a press release, announcing that it has added 35 medical conditions to its list of “Compassionate Allowances” – a list of serious diseases and medical conditions for which one is . . . → Read More: 35 More Medical Conditions Fast-Tracked for Disability Benefits, Social Security Announces


Proposed New Rules Implementing Key Provisions of Obamacare Published for Public Comment

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced proposed new rules implementing three key areas of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (which some call “Obamacare”). The proposed rules were officially published in the Federal Register . . . → Read More: Proposed New Rules Implementing Key Provisions of Obamacare Published for Public Comment


Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals

President Obama’s health care law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – has saved Americans an estimated $2.1 Billion on health insurance premiums, according to a new report released September 11, 2012 by the U.S. Department of . . . → Read More: Obamacare Has Saved Americans $2.1 Billion on Health Insurance Premiums, New Report Reveals


HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President's Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced a new tool to help you find out how the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (President Obama’s signature Health Care Law – which some call “Obamacare”) is benefiting people . . . → Read More: HHS Provides Tool to Find Out How the President’s Health Care Law Benefits You & Your State


HHS Launches New Tool To Help You Find Out if You're Getting a Rebate From Your Health Insurer under the Affordable Care Act

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced on Friday that it has launched a new online tool to help you find out whether your health insurance company is required to pay you a rebate on August . . . → Read More: HHS Launches New Tool To Help You Find Out if You’re Getting a Rebate From Your Health Insurer under the Affordable Care Act


President Obama Lays Out Contents of Health Care Law

In his speech to the Nation, following the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (“Affordable Care Act”) on Thursday, President Obama took the occasion to lay out in simple terms for the American people . . . → Read More: President Obama Lays Out Contents of Health Care Law


Consumers to Receive $1.1 Billion of Premium Rebates from Health Insurers under Affordable Care Act, HHS Announces

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced yesterday that due to the Affordable Care Act (which some call “Obamacare”), 12.8 million Americans will receive rebates from insurance companies this Summer, totaling $1.1 Billion. The insurance companies . . . → Read More: Consumers to Receive $1.1 Billion of Premium Rebates from Health Insurers under Affordable Care Act, HHS Announces


HHS Launches New Web-Based Tool to Measure Performance of Health Care System

In a news release issued May 15, 2012, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced the launch of the Health System Measurement Project, a new web-based tool which will allow policymakers, providers, and the public . . . → Read More: HHS Launches New Web-Based Tool to Measure Performance of Health Care System


HHS Notes Successes of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on its 2-Year Anniversary

March 23, 2012 was the two-year anniversary of the date on which President Obama signed the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (“Affordable Care Act”) into law. The Affordable Care Act is the Obama Administration’s signature health care reform . . . → Read More: HHS Notes Successes of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on its 2-Year Anniversary


First 7 New CO-OP Health Insurers Approved for Loans under Affordable Care Act

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on February 21 approval of the first seven CO-OPs (new Consumer Oriented and Operated Health Insurance Plans) that will receive loans under the Affordable Care Act. The loans will help . . . → Read More: First 7 New CO-OP Health Insurers Approved for Loans under Affordable Care Act


What to do When Medicare Will Not Cover the Costs of a Needed Rehabilitative or Skilled Care Facility

Here is a wake-up call: Medicare may cover costs of a needed rehabilitative or skilled nursing care facility after a hospitalization of at least three nights — but only to a limited extent. As explained by the Centers for . . . → Read More: What to do When Medicare Will Not Cover the Costs of a Needed Rehabilitative or Skilled Care Facility


New Rules to Simplify Purchase of Health Insurance Proposed under Affordable Care Act

The U.S. Departments of Health & Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Treasury issued proposed new rules under the Affordable Care Act on August 17, 2011 which would simplify the purchase of health insurance for consumers. Under the proposed new . . . → Read More: New Rules to Simplify Purchase of Health Insurance Proposed under Affordable Care Act


Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs) Available under Health Reform Law to Help Those With Pre-existing Conditions

While lawsuits and Republicans in Congress are seeking to overturn The Affordable Care Act of 2010, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is continuing to institute many of the law’s provisions in an effort to provide low-cost . . . → Read More: Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs) Available under Health Reform Law to Help Those With Pre-existing Conditions


New report: 129 million Americans with a pre-existing condition could be denied coverage without the health reform law

In a News Release, Tuesday, January 18, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services reported: Without Affordable Care Act protections, in 2014, 1 in 2 non-elderly Americans could be denied coverage or charged more due to a . . . → Read More: New report: 129 million Americans with a pre-existing condition could be denied coverage without the health reform law


Implementation Timeline for the Provisions of the Health Reform Law

Kaiser Family Foundation provides a very helpful and easy to understand ”Implementation Timeline”  — an interactive tool to explain how and when the provisions of the health reform law will be implemented over the next several years.  You can show or hide . . . → Read More: Implementation Timeline for the Provisions of the Health Reform Law


Nine Key Provisions of the New Health Care Reform Law Take Effect January 1, 2011

Here is a list of the nine key provisions of the new national Health Care Reform Law that take effect on January 1, 2011: Restriction on Insurance Company Use of Premium Dollars. Health-insurance companies will now be required to . . . → Read More: Nine Key Provisions of the New Health Care Reform Law Take Effect January 1, 2011


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