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Alzheimer's Caregiving Tips for Dealing with Aggressive Behavior Issued by National Institute on Aging

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, has recently issued a tipsheet for Alzheimer’s caregivers on Coping with Agitation and Aggression. As the tipsheet points out, agitation and aggressive behavior are common . . . → Read More: Alzheimer’s Caregiving Tips for Dealing with Aggressive Behavior Issued by National Institute on Aging


Three Helpful Ideas in Dealing With Difficult People

A licensed professional counselor and trainer shares three helpful ideas in dealing with difficult people. These ideas may not work in some situations, such as with Alzheimer’s patients. But for those among us, who are near the end of . . . → Read More: Three Helpful Ideas in Dealing With Difficult People


5 Tips On Dealing With Violent Alzheimer's Behavior

“Alzheimer’s patients are often vulnerable and fragile, but in rare cases, they can become the aggressor. About 5% to 10% of Alzheimer’s patients exhibit violent behavior. It’s unclear why the outbursts occur in certain patients,” according to a recent . . . → Read More: 5 Tips On Dealing With Violent Alzheimer’s Behavior


Successful Tips With Difficult Aging Parents

Don’t dare call your mom because you know it will be an hour before you can get off the phone? Is your parent always critical of your help, or just a non-ending complainer? Do you feel you’re not up . . . → Read More: Successful Tips With Difficult Aging Parents


Caregiving and Dementia: New Ideas

There is no effective medical cure for Alzheimer’s.   Most dementia caregiving is performed by families and nursing homes.  11 Million people care for Alzheimer’s-afflicted relatives at home. Dealing with the difficult behaviors that characterize Alzheimer’s and other dementias . . . → Read More: Caregiving and Dementia: New Ideas


Advice to caregivers: Reassure and don't argue

What if the Alzheimer’s patient says untrue and harmful things? What about correcting inconsequential things? Can a caregiver win an argument with an Alzheimer’s patient? Are there helpful ways to calm an Alzheimer’s patient? Read More in this Article . . . → Read More: Advice to caregivers: Reassure and don’t argue


Blame the disease, not the person, when caregiving gets frustrating

By Angela Lunde, Mayo Clinic health education outreach coordinator Another perspective that can be helpful: i.e. separate the disease from the person and the person from the behaviors. Doing this helps you see that it’s the disease, not the . . . → Read More: Blame the disease, not the person, when caregiving gets frustrating


How to Respond When Dementia Causes Unpredictable Behaviors

This is a useful 16 page pamphlet, provided by the Alzheimer’s Association. It discusses seven different behaviors typical of elders with dementia, and provides the caregiver a three step process to help understand the behavior, what may be triggering . . . → Read More: How to Respond When Dementia Causes Unpredictable Behaviors


Tips for Diffusing Anger in Those with Dementia

From The Mayo Clinic. Useful tips for caregivers on how to diffuse anger frequently experienced in those with Alzheimer’s and other . . . → Read More: Tips for Diffusing Anger in Those with Dementia


12 Tips When Caring for an Elderly Loved One; Behavior Modification

By Jacqueline Marcell (author of ElderRage). Tips and advice on how to deal with an elderly loved one who: wants all your time and attention, makes constant unreasonable demands, is inflexible, critical and negative, complains about real or imagined . . . → Read More: 12 Tips When Caring for an Elderly Loved One; Behavior Modification


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