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BooksForCaregivers™ – Your Picks

New Book, Counter Clockwise by Lauren Kessler, Gives Hope: 70% of Aging Process Within Our Control

In a new book, published June 4, journalist author Lauren Kessler uses herself as a “guinea pig” to explore in depth the world of anti-aging: from serious scientific studies, to medical information, to facts about the enormous for-profit anti-aging . . . → Read More: New Book, Counter Clockwise by Lauren Kessler, Gives Hope: 70% of Aging Process Within Our Control


Mayo Clinic & TIME Collaborate on New Book About Alternative Medicine Therapies

The Mayo Clinic and TIME publishing have collaborated on a new book entitled, Alternative Medicine: Your Guide to Stress Relief, Healing, Nutrition, and More, which explores the potential risks and benefits of several “alternative medicine” therapies, as supplements to . . . → Read More: Mayo Clinic & TIME Collaborate on New Book About Alternative Medicine Therapies


Harvard Releases New Report On Stress Management

Frequently late? Often angry or irritated? Unsure of your ability to do something? Overextended? Not enough time for stress relief? A new report by Harvard Medical School, Stress Management: Approaches for preventing and reducing stress, “can help you identify . . . → Read More: Harvard Releases New Report On Stress Management


Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving

As part of its national observation of Diabetes Awareness Month this November, the American Diabetes Association has published a new Family Classics Diabetes Cookbook with diabetes-friendly recipes, which it says can benefit everyone this Thanksgiving — whether you have . . . → Read More: Everyone May Benefit from Diabetes-Friendly Recipes at Thanksgiving


Signs That a Headache Could be Dangerous, Featured in Johns Hopkins Health Alert

In a Health Alert published October 17, 2012 by Johns Hopkins, Peter Goadsby, M.D., Ph.D., a neurologist who is director of the Headache Center at the University of California at San Francisco, lists some of the signs and symptoms . . . → Read More: Signs That a Headache Could be Dangerous, Featured in Johns Hopkins Health Alert


Harvard Health Updates Report on Foot Care Basics - Preventing and Treating Common Foot Conditions

Harvard Health Publications has issued a newly revised Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School on “Foot Care Basics: Preventing and treating common foot conditions.” “Three out of four Americans will suffer some kind of foot ailment in their . . . → Read More: Harvard Health Updates Report on Foot Care Basics – Preventing and Treating Common Foot Conditions


US Government Provides Free Publications on Exercise, Diet and Weight Management

The U.S. Government provides multiple free health publications on Exercise, Diet and Weight Management. These publications can be downloaded free of charge from Be Active Your Way – Consumer Booklet for Adults – By the U.S. Department of Health . . . → Read More: US Government Provides Free Publications on Exercise, Diet and Weight Management


Harvard Health Publishes Caregiver's Handbook

Harvard Health Publications of Harvard Medical School has published Caregiver’s Handbook: A guide to caring for the ill, elderly, disabled … and yourself, a basic introductory handbook to some of the topics and concerns faced by family caregivers. In . . . → Read More: Harvard Health Publishes Caregiver’s Handbook


New Comic Book by MIT Economist Explains Health Reform Law

MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber, who advised the Obama Administration on health care reform and was an architect of Governor Romney’s health care reform in Massachusetts, has written a new 152-page comic book that explains and combats some common misconceptions . . . → Read More: New Comic Book by MIT Economist Explains Health Reform Law


Cleveland Clinic Heart Surgeon & Cardiologist Tackle Misconceptions About Heart Health

In their new book entitled, Heart 411: The Only Guide to Heart Health You’ll Ever Need, two renowned heart experts, heart surgeon Marc Gillinov and cardiologist Steven Nissen, both of the Cleveland Clinic, tackle some prominent misconceptions about heart . . . → Read More: Cleveland Clinic Heart Surgeon & Cardiologist Tackle Misconceptions About Heart Health


American Heart Association Publishes New Holiday Healthy Eating Guide

The American Heart Association (AHA) has published a new “Holiday Healthy Eating Guide,” with tips for consumers on how to navigate the Holidays – usually a heavy-eating season – in a way that is healthy for your heart, blood . . . → Read More: American Heart Association Publishes New Holiday Healthy Eating Guide


Hope for the Middle-Aged Brain; Author Presents Science-Based Tips for a Sharper Brain

In her book, The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain: The Surprising Talents of the Middle-Aged Mind, recently published in paperback, author Barbara Strauch, deputy science editor of The New York Times in charge of health and medical science, . . . → Read More: Hope for the Middle-Aged Brain; Author Presents Science-Based Tips for a Sharper Brain


The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies

The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies: What to Do For The Most Common Health Problems provides do-it-yourself home remedies for common ailments. Many have recommended this practical book. These home remedies recommended by the Mayo Clinic for some . . . → Read More: The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies


The Dangers of Trying to Live Forever

In her book, Selling the Fountain of Youth: How the Anti-Aging Industry Made a Disease Out of Getting Old-And Made Billions, author Arlene Weintraub exposes how the anti-aging industry made a disease out of getting old (and made billions!).  . . . → Read More: The Dangers of Trying to Live Forever


Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent

Many of you have recommended this book, Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent: A Guide for Stressed-Out Children, by Grace Lebow, Barbara Kane, and Irwin Lebow. This is the classic guide to dealing with difficult elderly behavior beyond the . . . → Read More: Coping With Your Difficult Older Parent


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